Monday, June 2, 2008


So the JAM got rained out, personally i think we could have found a way to make the mud entertaining but that's just me.everyone in town and no trails is a super shitty deal, but the night before the rain came we had a little street ride with the Seattle crew. sweet deal.
Billy Bob Lewis is a wizard, he hit this rail hop first try and only three minutes after unloading his bike and putting the front wheel on. retarded.
Nathan's first street ride in Portland and he snapped out this sick pocket wall ride like he had ridden the spot for years.
BRAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP street moto whip! nathan got so crossed up over this little hip. badass
billy on the same hip
looch was killing it all night. little wallriderubber side down? not looch.
billy and looch sporting "shredbands" not to be confused with headbands.billy and looch training the Arvey wallride: note the shredbands.

the NightBird with his glow in the dark eyes.nathan on the little wall.
Some nighttime videos from the ride, sorry they are pretty dark and hard to see.

billy did this ridiculous move over the little hip.

billy arvey wall table

billy: fakie wallride

due to a lack of food and riding for hours things got a little strange towards the end of the ride.


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