Monday, March 5, 2012

Part Robot

Unit 0010101001, human name "Adolfo Almarza." Part man, part machine, he's still a work in progress. It's been brought to our attention that he didn't win the race in Brazil. Normally we crush and recycle robots that lose races, but give him some credit; you've got to remember that he's still part human. We at Team Robot believe that when we can replace the rest of the man in him with machine parts, he'll be ready to win every race. He's still a work in progress, and it's incredible that he's come so far on his weak, soft, pathetic human bones and joints that can be so easily crushed with pincer claws or eviscerated with laser vision.

Unit 1001010100, human name "Oscar Pistorious," is nearly complete. He's winning pretty much every race he enters, which is on par for robots vs. humans:

That incredible Adolfo Almarza photo was sent to me by Pro Rider Birry Rewis.

Also, if you don't understand that Mr. Almarza is an incredible athlete with an inspiring story, and that we at Team Robot have the utmost respect for him, and that this was a joke

Also, if you read this blog


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