Monday, March 19, 2012

Team Robot World Cup FAAG Fantasy League

The first round of the 2012 World Cup is in the books, and Neko Mullaly has taken the lead in this year's Fastest American After Gwin (FAAG) World Cup points series. Newcomer Richie Rude was hot on Mulally's heels, and Duncan Riffle rounds out your top three for the opening FAAG World Cup round:

14. Neko Mullaly
31. Richie Rude
36. Duncan Riffle
38. Luke Strobel
43. Curtis Keene
44. Mitch Ropelato
51. Eliot Jackson
63. Logan Bingelli
77. Kevin Aeillo

Mulally had this made-up blurb to say about his FAAG win,

"I'm really excited to start my season off with a win. The FAAG Overall title is one of the most coveted titles in American Mountain bike racing, and this win puts me in a great position in the points series. After basically being U.S. National Champion last September, I'm definitely in the hunt to add a FAAG title to my trophy chest. Also, upon reflection, I probably should get a better profile picture; why is the bottom right hand corner folding up in the graphic? That's looks terrible."

You can check out Neko's totally sweet site and all of his results here:

Always in the hunt for the elusive FAAG title on home soil, KHS went all the way and sent their top two Americans, California flat-pedal rider Kevin Aeillo and quasi-National Champ and President of the American Albino Association Logan Bingelli to South Africa to earn some FAAG World Cup points. The KHS riders had these made-up things to say about their African adventure:

"Charlie that's total horseshit, you know I won U.S. National Champs fair and square, Neko was racing in a different category. And I'm not f$#@ing Albino, and who even makes that sort of joke these days? I was born with white hair and blue eyes, get over it. P.S. you're way slower than me, so suck on that."

"I... look a little bit high all the time."

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