Monday, April 23, 2012

More Slaughter updates

After Kyle broke his hand, I kind of forgot that Kyle rode bikes, and I just sort of thought he liked driving to races to be team cheerleader. It was good to have Kyle back on the bike, but it's a bummer when Kyle reminds me how fast I'm not. Kyle can definitely ride a bike.

The other thing Kyle can definitely do is dream up opportunities for us to hike photoshoot runs when I don't want to. After a long day of DH and slalom practice, walking around and talking to people, working on bikes and trying to survive the heat, there's nothing better than putting your hot, sweaty riding gear back on and having Kyle and photographers yelling at you to hike "one more run" eight hundred times. Okay, okay, I'm just kidding. Kevin Philbin and Justin Olson were the photographers, and they were really nice. They never yelled at me to do one more run. Kyle was the only one being a dick.

Photo credit goes to Kevin Philbin, who was shooting for photos for the Diamondback facebook page. Justin Olsen was also on hand, pictured crouching in the green T-shirt. We tried our best to crash into him and his really expensive looking photo gear, and we came pretty close. Next time...

Huckin it.

It sort of looks like I'm holding in a fart in this photo.

I'm trying out the new "photo caption" feature on blogger., and as you may have noticed, these captions are really small and hard to read. I'm sort of hoping that you will give up on reading this caption by now, because it's so long and in such a small font size. Then I'll be able to write whatever I want... I didn't think Step Brothers was funny.

This looks pretty cool, until you find out that I hiked this about a hundred times and this bush league kickout was the best whip I could do. Definitely room left to improve in the whip department. And the properly-fitted-sleeve-length department. And the race results department. And so many more departments.

Kyle won the photo shoot for sure. I won practice.

Most importantly, The Dude stopped by the Diamondback booth and mixed up a couple white russians for us. That was probably the highlight of the weekend, and my life. I will die a happy man.
The Dude abides.

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