Wednesday, August 29, 2012

World Cup winners

I don't know if anyone else cares about this list, but I thought it was interesting. People who still race in the World Cup that have won a World Cup round:

Aaron Gwin
Greg Minnaar
Gee Atherton
Sam Hill
Brook MacDonald
Mick Hannah
Marc Beaumont
Sam Blenkinsop
Mickael Pascal
Steve Peat
Cedric Gracia
Matti Lehikoinen

There's 12 of them, 13 if you count Kovarik because he came to MSA and Windham in 2012.

This wikipedia page is really good for other mountain bike trivia: I know you probably don't care about XC, but I was blown away by how dominant Julien Absalon was in XC; in nine years he was only out of the top 3 once. Damn. Sam Hill was either first or second for six years in a row. Fun facts.

Also, perhaps a more interesting list: people who got 2nd in a World Cup round and didn't kill themselves:

Danny Hart
Josh Bryceland
Cam Cole
Jared Graves
Julien Camellini

Also Dan Atherton came to a couple races this year, and he got 4th in 2005 (?) at Willengen.

As always, if I left anyone out please let me know in the comments or go kill yourself. I also hear that blog posts are more interesting with pictures, so here are a couple:

Your team's transportation:

Our team's transportation:

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