Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Puberty happens; Congratulations Kevin!


Follow this link to watch a rad Kevin Littlefield edit. This is the 17 (or 16?) year old kid who got 5th place at National Champs IN PRO this year and then proceeded to get NO PRESS WHATSOEVER.

Getting highlighted on Team Robot might seem cool for Kevin, but in the grand scheme of things that still amounts to NO PRESS WHATSOEVER.

Kevin on a podium with some pretty heavy hitters. I mean, to be fair, he did get beat by all those heavy hitters, but it's still pretty cool, I guess.

Kevin totally not getting the shot in Austria during practice for World Champs, 2012. I mean, good for you for still being in the frame Kevin, but you know the photographer threw away a bunch of frames of you straight-airing this jump, and then when he saw McKay Vezina in the background cranking that table/thing behind you he decided to run that shot. You gotta make hay while the sun shines, Kevin. If you're Greg Minnaar you can straight air for days and still get cover shots, but the rest of us hacks have to do a little something something if we ever want to get press.

Here's the edit, but you should really show Kevin some support, follow the link to Pinkbike and leave him some encouraging comments. And tell him to get that red derailleur cable housing off his bike if he doesn't want to look like a complete joey.

Kevin Littlefield - World Cup Aspirations on Pinkbike

1 comment:

  1. You gonna have to do something to catch up to the young guns- Maybe you should try setting up an I-V station in the back of Kyle's Van, and then you can do some quick blood transfusions - in between contest runs.
