Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Fabien Barel leaves Mondraker. Allegedly Barel is searching for a company that is weirder and Frencher than Mondraker. Insiders report that teammate Spagnolo was not hyper-competitive, stand-offish, and awkward enough to be truly French, although Spagnolo's uncomfortable pre-race warmups were a highlight of Barel and Spagnolo's bond as teammates.

Insiders also report that although Barel appreciated such engineering breakthroughs as the zero length stem, he is looking for a company with a head designer that is shorter and more self-aggrandizing than Mondraker's lead man, Cesar Rojo.

We'll keep you posted as this story develops.


  1. Sneeky's Internet Mentoring ProgramJanuary 15, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    Make a fashion statement at your next race by wearing one of these #dopestrong t-shirts. You gotta keep it real for Lance......


  2. You really killed it here, Terminator.
