Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hell froze over

I give you Sam Blenkinsop, on a Boxxer, clipped in:


  1. Adam D./Your most faithful reader that consequently has no lifeFebruary 14, 2013 at 12:02 AM

    I was looking at this in the video, but couldn't figure out if those were definitely clips. Thanks to Team Robot being superior to humans in every way and having the ability to scrutinize images with great keen-eyedness, I no longer need to wonder, Sam has made the switch.
    Thanks for keeping me busy not writing a Neo-Aristotelian Criticism paper that is due in a few hours!

    Come race the first round of the ProGRT! I must beat you!

  2. hell hath freezeth over when sam wears gloves

  3. Adam D./Your most faithful reader that consequently has no lifeFebruary 14, 2013 at 2:12 PM

    Hell froze over 2 and half years ago.

  4. also any race in france. although that is hell anyways.
