Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our readers

We have successfully attracted and carefully groomed the worst group of readers and followers. Nice people don't read TEAM ROBOT. This is what our readers want to see more of on TEAM ROBOT every day:

This is who our actual readers are:

A message to our readers:


  1. you know what they say, shit attracts flies.

  2. I didn't know robots could get butt hurt. They must have watched too many reruns of terminator 2

  3. Sneeky P. (Life Coach)r)February 8, 2013 at 8:16 AM

    Are you up at night tweaking again Chazz? Cuz it seems like you got ALOT of emotional issues and resentment to address recently.........
    Try giving these guys a call, they can help you bro..........
    **Boystown National Hotline: 1-800-448-3000

  4. If you're trying to "trim the fat" from your reader pool, you're going to have to do a lot better than this.

    I suggest personally ripping each one of them apart.

  5. As a reader I would like a op- tech-piece maybe an explanation of what BB drop is? Also, why that measurement matters to off-road cyclists, what your preferred BB drop is.

    Thanks Chaz
