Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I think this means we're winning, for once

Mountain bikers are finally winning... I think.

"When we last shared news about theTimberline Mountain Bike Park in November of 2012, the US Forest Service had approved a permit for the project and things were set to move forward. That permit was issued after an environmental analysis from the USFS lead to a "Finding of no significant impact" from the trails, roads and other development required to build a "world class" lift-assisted mountain bike riding area on Mt. Hood.

But after that permit was issued, two appeals were filed against the project. One came from a individual citizen and the other was a joint appeal from several outdoor and environmental groups including Friends of Mt. Hood, Bark, Mazamas, Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs, Northwest Environmental Defense Center, and Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club.

At the end of last month, the USFS affirmed their original decision and denied both appeals.
Now — as Timberline Mountain Bike Park officials prep to begin construction this summer — some of those same groups are seeking a legal injunction against the project."

So Timberline bike park might actually happen. It looks like it's going through. Sweet. In other good news, Kyle over at Chris King let me know that Sandy Ridge is in the running to receive huge funding to build an actual downhill trail. Not another "Enduro" trail, a real downhill one. Legally. With federal dollars. If that didn't instantly explode your puny human brain, follow this link to vote for Sandy Ridge:

I watched the links for all the other trail systems and they sucked, so Sandy is the clear pick. I figure we've got this one in the bag.

Hopefully "downhill specific" will mean less of these sad, sad switchbacks that have become synonymous with Sandy Ridge:

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