Monday, March 25, 2013

KHS Factory Racing

At the time that I'm writing this, there are 24 comments on the KHS @ Bootleg article on PB, and 30% of those comments were put up by user khsfactoryracing.

You know what's super cool? Leaving tons of comments on your own article.

Why do you even have a number on your back? There are only a few numbers worth having on your back: your UCI ranking from last year, 69, 420, and maybe 3 if you're doin' it for Dale.

[Editor's note: It's just been brought to my attention that #789 is in fact Logan's UCI ranking from last year.]


  1. I think 7-8-9 just happens to be the highest numbers that he can count to.... he figured that made him cooler....

    I do also love how he tries to impersonate me so....

  2. Maybe his favorite joke is

    Why was 6 afraid of 7?

  3. Six hasn't been the same since he left Vietnam. Every time he closes his eyes, he's sees Charlie hiding in the darkness of the forest. Not that you could ever see those bastards, mind you. They were fast and they knew their way around the jungle. He remembers the looks on the boy's faces when they walked into that village and... oh Jesus. He shouldn't think about that now. Sometimes he still hears Tex's slow southern drawl. He remembers the smell of Brooklyn's cigarettes. He always had a pack of Luckys. But the boys are gone now... he knows that. It's--it's just that he forgets sometimes. And sometimes the way that seven looks at him... it makes him think. Sets him on edge. And he feels like he's back there... In the jungle... In the darkness.

    Seven has a hook for a hand as well, which is very scary.
