Wednesday, March 27, 2013

These don't suck

I... I can't figure it out. Race videos made in the year 2012 with no slow mo, no interviews, and gorilla gripping camera-work trackside with fast pans? Who are you?

Creative Shorts Episode 1: WC1 South Africa 2012 on Pinkbike

Creative Shorts Episode 2: WC2 Italia 2012 on Pinkbike

The music's a love/hate "I didn't have to pay royalties on this" affair, and maybe the imitation 8mm clips are a little over the top, but who cares? I'll take one minute and two seconds of "Creative Minds" over an hour of "Distinction Productions" any day. Basically it's the closest thing to Saint Rankin we have right now, and it's pretty good. Or as anonymous said in the comments, "Slap on some Brit music from the 70's/80's, call it Earthed 6." Which reminds me: who is still posting as anonymous? Seriously.

Speaking of Saint Rankin, he is still the best thing you pitiful humans have ever made in your short, underwhelming existence:

Big days in a persons life: high school graduation, college graduation, first pair of five tens, getting married, first kid, getting tweeted by Alex Rankin.

Saint Rankin, you are third at the top of the DO NOT KILL LIST, right after Todd Olson and the guy who invented Zebra Cakes:


Most people who read THE BOT don't know our third member, THE BAARON, but he holds a significant amount of sway in all things robot. When we consulted with BAARONBOT about which humans should not be killed he was quite emphatic about Zebra Cake guy. Whether it's Shimano shifters or Little Debbie snack cakes, robots know quality when they see it.


  1. Slap on some Brit music from the 70's/80's, call it Earthed 6.


  2. The clips are made by Aaron "Mono" Bartlett, a shit mountain biker with an amazing eyebrow from Devon in the southwest UK!
