Friday, January 17, 2014

Big news in Portland

This is big doins here in Portland. I got to help out on this, and I'm pretty fired up about the whole thing. Take a read, and prepare to be amazed by the fact that people actually seem to agree on this idea:


Here's a link to the full article on

Look at the comments!! There's barely even nitpicking. Almost everyone on *BIKEFREAKINGPORTLAND* seems to agree this needs to happen.


  1. There is just way too many bums hangout on those trails. Last time I was down there, I got into a fight with some syringe wielding hobos. They said they would stab me if I came back again.

  2. will flow trail design and implementation be lead by the team robot?

  3. Dennis Puertlin, DDSJanuary 20, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    Keen idea but how does that let me drive my Audi Allroad + KUAT rack + MegaCarbon EnduroCrusher to the trailhead for BMOC jockeying and post-ride shit-talking Artisanal IPA quaffing kale-quinoa noshing BBQ?

    Biggest part of the MTB "experience" is the gear comparison with fellow 2hrs/wk Group Ride Buddies, and the rhetorical wrasslin' over who's coolest because of most chi-chi gear.

    I swear, this is the truth -- because this is how I live.

  4. As I quaff UnionJack IPA in SoCal I can't wait to drive up to Dunthorpe on Monday to my new home, where I was afraid my MTB days were over. I manage 4,000 miles a year distance and 500,000 feet vertical on my Tallboy LTc. From home. Glad I'll fit right in having leased a 2014 allroad for the weather and trail access up there. True story. Psyched I won't have to go over on the allroad miles driving to Bend and Sandy every other day. You'll see me up there. The bike is Yellow. And I'll probably end up riding Sandy from home. Because that is how I live.
