Friday, January 31, 2014


Before Lynnwood got plowed, I had the privilege to ride there a few times. Poorly. This video is all from the last year, and it really shows how dialed the place was by the time it got plowed. Lynnwood was always fun and always had a million jumps, but most years the jumps were a little rough around the edges. By the last year, they had 15-20 people digging out there, and everything was stacked vert, packed in, and it looked like concrete. Lynnwood was amazing, and I think we can talk about those jumps on Team Robot now, because they're not there anymore.

Why do grown men play with dirt and bikes in the woods? I don't know, because we do. FBM summed it up with this classic t-shirt that fits in the "I wish I'd thought of that" category:

Nailed it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice edit for a home made job. Gettin all sentamental and philosophical and stuff with that nice music in there.
