Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I'll take "signs you should sell dual crown forks with a drop crown for $400, Alex."

"What is Mick Hannah's BOS?"

If that image isn't enough to end the existence of flat bars, I don't know what will.

Flat bar riders of the world, let me ask you: if you know something that Mick Hannah doesn't, please let him know. We're all rooting for him, so if he needs to be running a lower front end please help him out and tell him why. Because apparently he didn't get the memo.

In a related news story check out this sick crusher inside line Mick Hannah is hitting at that same race. No one mentioned how sick this photo is because commenters on Pinkbike don't actually ride bikes:

Handlebars: where your hands hang out while your hips and feet do all the work.


  1. Drop crowns help you get a higher front end...

  2. Freeride is back! This is the setup Dangerous Dan always advocated. Who started the whole low bars nonsense anyways? Oh, that's right, racers.

    You can judge the legitimacy of a World Cup track by how high they run the bars:


  3. a shower full white menMarch 12, 2014 at 8:42 AM

    Charlie's stem is going to be so high this year

  4. You still can't turn a bikeMarch 13, 2014 at 7:13 AM

    Charlie's new training set up:


  5. The freeriders can claim complete victory on this one. So many racers were so wrong for so many years on the issue of stem height. Quotes from pro DH racers that stood out:

    "You want to the bars to be low so you can get over the front of the bike and control it."

    "If your bars are high you are just leaning back waiting for things to happen. "

    "High bars are for freeriders and freds."

  6. Drop crowns help you get a higher front end, but only if you are willing to compromise by raising your bb. Spacers, stem, or bars with more rise don't require that compromise, just hope DH bikes dont start looking like freestyle motocross bikes.
