Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Listen to Mitch Ropelato say "dampening"

OHLINS ON MY MIND - Riding the Ohlins TTX-Equipped Specialized Demo 8 with Mitch Ropelato and Brad Benedict - More Mountain Bike Videos

One minute and one second into the video.


  1. called you butt-hurtApril 29, 2014 at 7:24 PM

    Really, after what you just posted previously about Engineers, you are calling someone out for misappropriating a technical engineering term? Are you jealous because he qualifies? Douchebag.

  2. got that mother fucker!!!

    1. Nobody is more desperate than some anonymous 40+ car 1 racer who would try to call out Shaums March for racing in his age group because he wants to compete at World's.


  3. Hey ass hurt....robots can't express emotions and last time I checked jealousy was an emotion. So go pound sand fuck face.

  4. Maybe it squirts water on his leg when it compresses. YOU DON'T KNOW!!!!

  5. Damping and dampening are interchangeable you dumb fucks. Nothing worse than arguments about semantics where both parties are wrong. Screw off jackholes

  6. To 'damp' is a portmanteau-- they are interchangeable if you don't care to know what you're talking about. Nothing worse than an argument about semantics when you seem really passionate about it (esp. if you're wrong).

  7. This argument pales in importance. First we must fix the people who think a single fork requires "s" at the end of the word even when the bicycle uses a single fork. Then we must correct the UK people who think the word aluminum needs an additional "i" where that addition adds nothing.

  8. DrFuckMouth = ignorant assholeMay 1, 2014 at 2:26 PM

    Nothing worse than being wrong AND arrogant about it.That is all.

  9. The comment section wins again!

  10. Its robot hunting season.
