Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Poll

Check out the right side of your screen for our new TEAM ROBOT poll.


  1. AnotherShyCanadianMay 27, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    My fondest memory of WW was seeing him at Rampage with his build crew.. Er girlfriend.. Pick axing a line for Wil to use. Wil held onto a single belt loop, while she was full comit over quite an exposure. Yolo

  2. Typical PinkBike KidMay 27, 2014 at 1:08 PM

    I'll take "Top of the kill List" for 400, Alex.

  3. I don't care what anybody says, he's competed in and stayed upright in two rampage events with an automatic qualifying spot for the second. He may look like a 2002 marzocchi ad, but that's pretty much the essence of 'fuck you, I'm just riding my bike'. My bike with a 68 degree head angle!

  4. You're ghostin' Wil, motherfucker. I don't care who you are back in the world, you give away our position one more time, I'll bleed ya, real quiet. Leave ya here. Got that?

  5. Its not so much Wil I have a problem with, it's his fucking cameraman.

  6. He has the most high tech carbon fiber spokes ever and his hubs are made in USA. He alone keeps the legendary Karpiel brand alive. His girlfriend digs. His Dad is way more bad ass than yours would ever dream of being. He dominates at Downhill Mania. He pretty much only competes at Rampage but also occasionally races to challenge himself. Looks like he is getting the 360's down. Then there is the best Pinkbike name ever: SuicideDownhiller.

  7. spirit of pinkbikeMay 29, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    Wil White remembers pinkbike's origins.

  8. ^^ I think we found Will White. I actually laughed at "the most high tech carbon fiber spokes ever and his hubs are made in USA". Bandaid on cancer.
