Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Somewhere in these three videos exists reality. Between each of them, you begin to see the forest for the trees, and it all becomes clear.

Welcome to the mountain bike industry:

Normally I hate reposting Dennison videos, but that one is way too accurate to ignore.


  1. I want to hate Dennison, but for some reason I can't. Everything he does is pretty good, which makes it better than almost everything else in this industry.

  2. Note the Robot says it hates reposting Dennison videos, not Dennison specifically. Despite the mildly critical tone of a Robot post regarding his work, I think the issue is that said work is already promulgated through various media, and being associated with such material could attenuate the Robot brand as a satirical content creator. In fact the Robot's critique revolved around IFHT's videos spanning too much generic territory- a pitfall for any creative enterprise. I believe that couched in the ironic nationalism and piquant jabs, the Robot was just ruefully highlighting the importance of selective publishing.

  3. All three of these are better than the lame Specialized video of freeloading freerider Matt Hunter riding a cut-out berm on a 29er that all the Pinkbike dweebs are impressed with.
