Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Rise of Enduro... THE MAKING OF

I'm supposed to make fun of this new Enduro video that's on Pinkbike now, and I probably will, right after I post my Sea Otter writeup and finish that novel I've been chewing on. In the meantime, I just wanted to address something else that stood out from that Pinkbike article:

Blue Steel:


Le Tigre:

And of course, Magnum:

I don't even have a look.


  1. This is gold... Fucking awesome!! Warner can dere-lick my balls

  2. Magnum brings out Warners Eyes

  3. I thought for sure you were the guy with the lady in a dress lying on him then I realized it was probably Richy Schley.

    Who better to tell the story of Enduro than some unaccomplished Americans who have only been racing enduro a couple of years?

    And where better to go to help tell the story of Enduro than some random place in Call that has never held an enduro race.

    And of course the most disorganized Enduro race promotor in the world is involved(American, of course), along with guns, rc cars, and man made stutter bumps.

  4. Cruz is hard core anti-government, wants to trigger a revolution. He was talking about going to the Bundy Ranch to defend it cause Cliven Bundy is related to Weir.

  5. I watched the whole video. Those were 8 minutes of my life I can never get back. Seriously, how did they make my biking look so dull?! It's like Ang Lee and Wes Anderson codirected the film.

  6. Great anonymous comments guys, keep em coming!!! But, lets not forget this is a movie based on the rise of AMERICAN enduro, so wouldn't it be fitting to include some of the faster enduro racers in the american scene? I mean, after all, they're pretty much the only ones representing us at the EWS, wouldn't you say? i know i know, they haven't been racing enduro for 69 years like the frenchies, so fuck them right! guys like curtis keene and adam craig have so much more experience racing enduro, i love them!!!!!!!!!!!!! now all we need is gwin to start racing enduro!!!!!!!!!
