Thursday, August 28, 2014

Vee Rubber Tires

Vee Rubber Tires: designed with crayons on napkins at Denny's since 2009.


  1. ITS called - they said good luck reproducing their lack luster design from 2004

  2. Almost all tires are designed like that.... well at least that's what it seems like. I have actually been told this by a head engineer at a big tire brand "most of the tires are designed to look good on the sales floor". There is one good tire on the market right now that was originally sketched out on paper. I should know, I'm the one who did it!

  3. Have to be legit. Designed by the 1993 World Champ....

  4. this industry has to get away from getting these ex pros to design tires. A good race resume doesn't mean you know what makes for a good tire design. Slap together some knobs randomly, apply the pro rider's name on the sidewall, and there you have it. Instant sales. What a fucking abortion.
