Saturday, February 28, 2015

As seen on the Internet

"Have you ever rode a fat bike? How about a fat trike? Take a peek below at the all-new 'Fat Tad' prototype that landed in our shop yesterday. We haven't been able to stop test riding it since it was assembled!"

-Sun Seeker


  1. Not designed for the parking lot testFebruary 28, 2015 at 7:06 PM

    "We haven't been able to stop test riding it since it was assembled!"

    I mean, we knew a recumbent fat trike would be slow, but I guess it really does take a long time to make a full lap of the parking lot.

  2. You should ride something steep on it and break your neck.

  3. If you buy one of those things, they should give you a free "YEAH, I'M A DOUCE" bumper sticker to go with it.

  4. robots worst post ever.

    I hate you vociferously now.

  5. Long chainstays, probably sucks on the pumptrack, or on flow trails
