Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Push Industries just released their new rear damper today.

It's a bold move, and there are a lot of interesting aspects to their decision to release a high-end coil-sprung damper built to order, intended for use on a narrow list of only long-travel trail bikes. The new damper raises many interesting questions, and can be the catalyst for so many thought-provoking discussions. Discussions about this specific product, but also discussions we as an industry and as consumers need to have about suspension in general. Here's just a few:
  • The place for high-end coils in a world where air springs offer so much performance and tunability, not to mention weight savings.
  • Shock shaft diameter- oil flow vs. friction.
  • The importance of incremental home tuning versus baseline settings from the factory.
  • The drawbacks of existing suspension platforms.
  • The benefits of remote custom tuning vs. the drawbacks of highly specialized products.
  • Empowering the end user vs. expertise and "the guild"
  • The benefits of US manufacturing vs. sourcing materials based exclusively on quality or price.
  • Economies of scale in terms of manufacturing.
  • Economies of scale in terms of R&D.
  • Global trade policy.
  • Hostility toward the "out group" and the sociology of xenophobia.
  • What is the essence of cycling: performance or experience? Competition or adventure?
  • The cycle of avant garde to mainstream.
  • Art vs. commerce.
  • The disappearance of the artisan worker in the modern world.
  • Man's search for meaning.

As usual, none of those discussions happened on Pinkbike today. Instead everyone and their brother came out of the woodwork to say:

This is how I picture everyone who talks about Double Barrels online. Dave/Lee Trumpore this includes you.

I don't know Darren Murphy personally (founder of Push), but I've had a few interactions with him, all pleasant, and I think I can go out on a limb here and extrapolate some of his thinking behind the new rear damper and subsequent pricing structure. For the benefit of everyone and their brother on Pinkbike, I've carefully prepared the following two graphs to help you understand Darren's confidence in rolling out his new product.

People who Darren is trying to attract with his new rear damper:

People who Darren isn't trying to attract with his new rear damper:

Do you like the colored font? I read that on another how-to-blog article. So many useful tips.


  1. the colored font is nice.

    I think you should take this economic analysis to the next level and plot shock prices vs how much suck they have. id like to think there is an equilibrium between price/suck, & maybe demand if there's time

  2. Charlie I'm not sure I can recall ever commenting on the mediocre air spring and annoying tools-required adjustment of the ccdb. Any online commentary I could be bothered posting would most definitely be aimed at trolling the avy cult instead. Fix your twin detector.

  3. As someone currently in a microeconomics course, this is great.

  4. The pricing is just to be sure that the low class proletariat cannot afford this shock, only the top 1% of the world bankers can afford this high level dampening technology.

    Unlike SRAM, who bases their marketing upon rider skill, PUSH understands the ideals of maintaining the current shock damper performance gap between the 99% and the top 1% elite...

  5. Looks like it uses spool valves, which is a high level race car thing (F1, Lemans, etc). Offers way better control of the damping force curve than a valve, shims, and orfices. Neat.

  6. Man. You really know how to blog! Putting the blo in blog since the Sandy Clam was a wee lass.

    PS - How funny is it that Blogger asks us to prove we aren't robots?

  7. I don't understand people hating on the Cane Creeks shocks on the internet. What are you people riding that's so great, it makes CC stuff feel so poor in comparison? And, if it includes any three letter acronyms in the damping adjustment.... Kill yourself
