Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Friends like these

I was pretty excited about this photo from the downhill race at Beacon Hill last weekend, taken by longtime DO NOT KILL LIST member Ben Tobin. This might be the best photo I've ever had, and after another disappointing race performance in a long and colorful disappointing race career it was a welcome pick me up.

Here's what Tim Zimmerman thought of my photo:

"Panning at 1/15th of a second can make an earthworm look fast."


  1. Nice results Charlie. And frame that.

  2. Panning is so hot right now. Its the perfect blend of lazy shooting and slow riding.

  3. Charlie - you need to make photo and video montage of clips and pics from your last couple of race seasons.

    You can use the song below for the background audio, I think it would be an appropriate , inspirational "theme song" for you.


    P.S. I can get you the usage rights too.

  4. look at the bright side. you would have got 6th in cat 1 19-29

  5. Actually I would have finished in 7th. 6th place ran a 1:41.57, I ran a 1:41.59.

  6. You'll always have taco boarding...

  7. Tim Zimmerman, you legend!

  8. These shots are tough, props to Caveman. Luckily looking fast is more important than being fast, all you need now is do some freeride flicks.

  9. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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