Friday, March 13, 2015

We're all pussies

These two table frames are sequential. In the first frame Sam Flanagan is following close behind. In the second frame Craig finished clicking that table, and it was so clicked that Sam exploded into a fine, invisible dust.

Kid drove over from a summer at Whistler, raced MSA in an eagle t-shirt, on flats, and finished 62nd. It's moments like this when I realize how superbly untalented I am. Please, pleas kill me now.


  1. kill yourself.

  2. I have full faith that the robot army of one could finish 62nd in a race one day. Must not sell one's self short.

  3. slow off camber is betterMarch 13, 2015 at 2:46 PM

    That riding would be so much more interesting if it weren't for all those huge berms. Seems anyone who films themselves riding big enough berms can get sponsored these days.

  4. no hated on that kid, he's a better rider than anyone here I bet, berms or no berms.

  5. Yeah, but u sure got a pretty mouf!

  6. Charlie, you just need to watch a good #BikeFail compilation to realize being mid pack ain't bad.
    The video below is the best bike fail compilation I have ever seen. It will also explain why the IMBA dumbs down trails routinely

  7. We really should all just kill ourselves.
