Sunday, May 17, 2015


Aaron Chase still making videos. Please make it stop.


  1. It's funny because he will be getting paid to ride bikes far longer than you.

  2. You keep talking like that.......and it's gonna be more than just black people that don't like you.

    1. Robot you really need to add a robot likes button to these comments that you can activate to signify that you pissed yourself over said comment. If not then make one for me so I can shout to the world that I get funny and funny gets me!

  3. Schley gets paid to ride bikes. There is no credibility in "pro" biker status if this still happens. Too many old hacks that should step aside and let some young rippers have the limelight.

  4. If he sold half the Gopro's he has strapped to him and his bike at any point of time it would probably be a good step towards retirement financialy.

  5. "Too many old hacks that should step aside and let some young rippers have the limelight."

    because that's totally how it works

  6. it does elsewhere. mountain biking isn't special enough to play by its own rules. paying a salary to some talentless old fart while there are hungry and talented kids out there chomping to get a deal on a bike frame - yeah you're right that makes sense. step aside old guys.

  7. Haha yes step aside, who needs those paychecks! What a dumbass comment

    Keep gettin them checks aaron!

  8. actually I am not even referencing Aaron. He's still good at bikes. Some of those old dudes I'm not sure what they are offering to those companies. Can't be selling bikes based on what they did 20 years ago

  9. "Freeriding" isn't really a qualitative one gives a fuck about 95% of the comps. its just a branding exercise. Most of the industry works this way. How the fuck does Brendan Fairclough ride for a major manufacturer and have signature products?? Sure as shit aint his results.

  10. remember that time chase went hucking on a fatbike? my eyes still burn from watching that video

  11. ^^^^ agreed I'm always trying to FB "like" this shit
