Friday, July 17, 2015

TEAM ROBOT Mammoth track preview


  1. What length were his socks?

  2. why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you've selected? [in robot voice]

  3. hmm... I wonder why in a population of 300+ million there are only two World Class downhill racers in the US? I can't put my finger on it.

  4. Anonymous @10:30 he is wearing DH Capri pants so hard to tell

    put the visor back, you look retarded either way.

  5. Sick edit, very tense riding and music. Elevator shaft is fo real!
    I saw some drops, and that tight right turn. ..yowza!
    My money is on Gwin to get his 14th conservative national championship.
    JD is coming out of retirement for this one, EC will be there, so will Palm Daddy. Wayne Croasdale will be there to share Reebok Eliminator stories. Mike King will be pimping his tire line and talking about his Worlds win in Metabief. Dave Cullinan is gonna talk bmx with Lopes, Tinker might even chime in too. Pistol Pete is gonna be signing autographs and inspecting the slalom course along with Terry Tennette. Toby will be showing off new the prototypes... It's gonna be a So.Cal mtb reunion. BOO YA

  6. He was riding uphill right? And that music...gets me so AMPED!!!! I wanna rail some molly and punch a german guy in the face!!

  7. Anon @ 11:12

    Those are Manpris.

  8. mammoth mountain man (57 years old)July 17, 2015 at 2:57 PM

    Like they say: the camera never does the trail justice: always makes the track look easier.

    There are parts of this track that are scattered with rocks and the speeds are what makes it pretty frightening: which is why most of the pros will be riding their full on DH bikes with heavy tubes and everything: some will even run body armor.

    If you think the track is easy then let's see how you perform in what will be a high pressure situation: because of your public criticism of the track. Everybody will be watching now, get ready for the most intense run of your life.

    The trail crew worked hard on these trails getting them ready, enough of the criticism of their hard work or their choice to name the ending the elevator shaft: seriously, enough criticism of trails unless you built it.

  9. ^ This dude is super serial, you guise. Better totally redact everything you ever said bad about Mammoth.

    "get ready for the most intense run of your life" lolololololololol mmmmk

  10. Yeah you can't criticism trails unless you built them. Everybody knows that.

    Also I liked the Mortal Kombat soundtrack in that video

  11. This is you riding isn't it Charlie, admit it!!!?

  12. I think that was Boba Fett with a GoPro.

    Those are probably the jams that Boba Fett listens to in Slave I.

  13. unadulterated speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

  14. just filmin some POVs on my way to Burning Man


    Somethin to think about during the race run.

  16. I get it! The narrow bars are to avoid clipping any trees early in the run!

  17. Plus something to think about on the long drive home:

  18. How come it said : "Did not finish" after your name on the results of this?!???. Did you "hit the wall", and couldn't muster the energy to finish.....or did you taco a wheel on the rocks???

  19. How to Taco a wheel...

  20. Taco boarding > taco wheel

  21. Thanks for the course preview, seeing things at slow speed helped with my race run.
    Fun times hanging out with all the old school SoCal bmx'ers that were there.

  22. I was not on enough drugs to listen to that music
