Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We're all pussies

More in the "mountain biking is easy" category.


  1. Mountain biking is easy and we're all pussies?

    That is like saying Bender is a better rider than Gwin.

    If you aren't smart enough to wear a helmet while doing some of that shit, really, the government should step prevent them from breeding.

  2. Mountain biking is easy and we're all pussies?

    That is like saying Bender is a better rider than Gwin.

    If you aren't smart enough to wear a helmet while doing some of that shit, really, the government should step in and prevent them from breeding.

  3. I don't even think Bender would approve. Bender always said "Go Big... gotta go big! "
    Most of these guys are just spinning and twisting.

    The most legendary story about Bender is the time he showed up at Park City and someone started a rumor that he was gonna huck off a cliff he had never even seen. He looked at went for it, didn't back down. Another time he hucked The Manager feature at Whistler, down to the wood. He would just show up everywhere and go huge. Nobody transformed freeriding like Bender, nobody transformed racing like Palmer. Transformers: Robots in disguise

  4. ^ I like this guy

  5. Try harder do betterJuly 22, 2015 at 10:26 AM

    I dont think we need to worry about the government stopping these dudes from breeding, those rails are doing a pretty good job.

  6. "More in the "mountain biking is easy" category."

    Are those guys riding mountain bikes?

  7. Try harder, An excellent example of natural selection to keep these losers from being dead beat dad's. Street riding insures that they are simply just losers with no long term impact on society.

  8. This is the 1% of BMX street. The other 99% ride flat rails at walking pace. Watch any video on TCU, its pathetic.

  9. Anyone who rides BMX without a helmet has made a dumb decision. Stupid dumb decision. One bump on the dome is all it takes. The human skull will break long before concrete or asphalt in these situations. I suppose if you think you're tough enough or too cool for school or whatever that isn't the case...but in that case it goes to prove you can't fix stupid.

  10. BMX'ers riding with no helmet and no brakes = Darwin awards

  11. Self aware Huge pussieJuly 29, 2015 at 2:28 AM

    But that's just it guys,

    Bmx riders are really stupid, or alternatively . . .

    we're all pussies.

    You see it seems really dangerous, and wreck less, and omg. But that's because . . . we're all pussies. And what is uneventful and regular to real men is frightening and unimaginable to us pussies.

  12. god I love watching the trick multi-fail rage...just absolute gold
