Monday, August 17, 2015

Printing money

Rotwild, Adidas, Continental and now Mercedes. Which just goes to prove my theory: Germans love David Hasselhoff.


  1. and with Schleybletops! RS should win an award for marketing himself. He probably makes more $ than most top 10 DH'rs.

  2. proof of how silly the mtb industry is.

  3. But at least Richie has finally proven that no, there's not anything more to life than being really, really, really gooood looking.

    In 20 years, at least he'll have more than the rest of us do: painful joints, ghost injuries and a bunch of scars with fading memories.

  4. You know what's lamer than this ad and powerslides? Making that Germans/Hasselhoff joke for the 23rd time.

  5. New World Disorder was not released in 1994.
    1994 was 150mm stems, Kooka cranks and the reign of Tomac.

  6. There is talk of changing Schleyer to 'Laguna Beach Player' afoot.

  7. Schleyer and Lopes used to be friends. I wander who has the bigger ego?

  8. 4:09 am guy = german

    So it seems freeriders are good for car/4WD/van ad when they get old (mc garry, tippie etc)... I Wonder what brand will sponsor CG?
