Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Jason McRoy died 20 years ago yesterday. Steve Peat counts him among the most influential riders in his life, and the inspiration for Steve to chase the mountain bike dream, paving the way for British downhillers for decades to come. I was six years old at the time and don't remember any of this, but from what I hear he was a total badass.

My only original thought to contribute is that, 20 years later, this is still what people picture in their heads when you mention mountain bikes.


  1. The clothes and bike are different, but this is still what mountain biking looks like.

  2. The thought of riding like that with a quill stem makes me cringe.

  3. ....even includes soft-focus slow-mo beauty shot as fade-to-black transition. So far ahead of their time.

  4. You know what is the most shocking?
    I'm sure with they are faster with these old bikes, than 95% of 2015 mountainbikers with their 2015 carbon enduro bikes. Cornering like this, with a long stem, shitty skiny plastic tires, and nearly no suspension is pretty nice.

  5. I'm not sure I really get the point of this post.

  6. This was the best thing in the world, when you were 14 and into mountain biking in the 90's

  7. Remember watching this as a teenager in the 90's. Jason really was a trail blazer in all senses. A sad sad loss.

    Seems weird now to see Rob Warner on his bike like that in the video - if only he'd have pedaled, he'd have won a lot more!

  8. Pretty keen to hear what PVD has to say about this.
