Thursday, September 17, 2015

New series: bike industry people trying to dress like adults

Both offenders spotted today at InterHell 2015. 


  1. No photo of Sponsellout grovelling for a new wind jacket? I wouldn't give you one either, what with that dirty shit-strainer on your top lip and all. Even Blopes knows he's got to park his van in between the lines at interbike if he wants more corporate gravy stroke.

  2. Uh. Charlie. That watch does NOT say adult. Give that fucking thing back immediately.

  3. ^^he's right. If you think thats adult, then your idea of adult must be working at a surf shop.

  4. mountain bikers trying to look edgy and hip but failing miserably. news at 11.

  5. That giant watch could at least double as a piss flap

  6. I remember when team robot was worth visiting...

  7. I remember when team robot was worth visiting...

  8. This is retarded. Slightly hip shoes and a weird but still very common watch.

    Wearing ankle socks while riding is one thing but this post is stupid

  9. cutoff shorts and sponsor t-shirts for life. everyone else is gay

  10. This site used to be edgy... come on Chuckles.

  11. Every post this week has been a careful calculation by the robots to weed out and exterminate all the Piss Flaps. Sure, we might loose a few harmless readers in the process. But the few willing to keep returning just to be exposed to fashion ridicules by a van-dweller with a fuzzy, upper-lip sweater may live to see the day when an intelligent, well written article calling out the industry lies the corporate giants try to sell as innovations for the sheepole such as ourselves.

    1. That run-on sentence was not finished.

  12. The double post was more interesting than the original post

  13. Did you ever notice that half the people at Interbike seem to have just come from the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert just a few days before?? The bike industry executives must have a strong presence at Burning Man in case you never noticed them there. Maybe that is where they are coming up with these new ideas........?

  14. Charlie, it's funny how you worry so much about what other people are wearing. Weather on the bike or off it. How come you're so worried about your image?

  15. because there is humor in it, you know, comedy? some people get it, some don't. bike dudes tend to not get the joke (which makes it that much funnier)

  16. Charlie kind of sucks at humor though

  17. Didn't realise there was humour on here, more a poor attempt at cynicism...

  18. cynicism IS humor though. if you had a streak of comedic intelligence this would be something you would know. like I said some people get it, the rest are engineers

  19. (1) because there is humor in it, you know, comedy? some people get it, some don't. bike dudes tend to not get the joke (which makes it that much funnier)

    (2) cynicism IS humor though. if you had a streak of comedic intelligence this would be something you would know. like I said some people get it, the rest are engineers

    Listen, I can't use my real name here on Charlie's blog, but rest assured I'm the smartest engineer employed by the bike industry, and the only humor I find at Charlie's blog is the inverted humor of those people who keep insisting that engineers don't have a sense of humor. I'll have you know that engineers have been the funniest people on the planet ever since the first human designed a tool. That first human was our first engineer, the Godfather so to speak. And do you know what he created? A wheel. With an axle. Now THAT is some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are or what your degree is in, it's some SERIOUSLY funny shit, and it's just kept getting funnier since then.

    I'll have you know one more thing, you morons. I memorize and regurgitate the best jokes, which proves I have an awesome, world-beating sense of humor. As an engineer.

    Suck on it.

    1. I am an engineer too. I like efficient comedy, yo mamma jokes are best, because you hear one sentence, you laugh and you can go back to data

  20. somewhat funny, in an ironic sort of way ^

  21. Well well. What have we here? Another engineer demonstrating how to use his personality as birth control.

    Well done sir.

  22. Whats so fuckin great about being funny? Be a great engineer. Be a great a bike rider. All of sudden we're 19-year-old chicks announcing that humor is our no. 1 turn on.

    But also, if this blogs not super funny I'm never reading this shit again.
