Thursday, November 12, 2015

From the desk of Cory Tepper

Your team.


  1. Cory Tepper smells like cheese and has the clavicles of an 80 year old woman.

  2. "Pussy POV" search came up with something completely different.
    (Do not try at work)

  3. "Pussy POV" search came up with something completely different.
    (Do not try at work)

  4. "Pussy harness" was similarly nsfw

  5. The other day at work I was hanging out in a parking lot and I saw a cat run across the street and get smashed by a car. It went totally stiff legged right away and you could tell it was dead. I had an extra blanket in my car so I wrapped it up and gave it back to the crying kid and his mom who were waiting on the sidewalk.


  6. Your team:

  7. I am young French Downhill racer who next year races in first season above Junior class in World Cup. Last year with only a couple decent result as a junior but watch out this year Chapa!
    See how I am excited to race against you in every race and am training every day to be my best next year after I heard you are racing the whole season of World Cup races,

  8. I was at the ctoss crusade at barton park and some A racers were talking about the felt dh bike during warm up, somebody mentioned how the carbon layout they use is superior.

  9. Just put some cat nip in your pocket and go for a ride. Screw those drones

  10. Cat checking to see that no one caught him pissing on the couch.....but forgot about the surveillance camera.

  11. The cat still looks cooler than Aggy

  12. Looks like Chuckles is finally getting some pussy!
    Good on ya!

  13. #iridefortepper

  14. Chapa, your wait is over!

    World Cup here we come!


  15. this website is lame


    Adam says:A few points of clarification in your article:

    1. Multiple studies have shown that there is no significant difference in impact between tires and feet on trails.
    2. Mountain biking is fundamentally a trail-based activity. Your concern about tearing and trampling of vegetation isn’t borne out since most riders *are on the trail*. Harm to vegetation is much more likely to happen by hikers venturing off trail to try get the perfect view or a closer picture of a feature or creature.
    3. Having ridden MTB for almost twenty-five years, I can count on one hand the number of times I have encountered reptiles or amphibians on a trail. It does happen, but it is not that common. Mountain bikers are just as concerned about the welfare of wild creatures as other trail users.
    4. All trail users need to avoid trail use when conditions are soft. Deep bootprints in mud are as damaging as tire tracks. Trails that are soft and collect water have a design and/or placement problem as well. Trails should not go through wet areas ideally and if they do, need special solutions such as boardwalking or bridging to protect the soft terrain. Foot traffic in wet areas is also more likely to cause trail braiding/widening as people try to walk around a wet spot.
    5. Further, trails that are channeling water are poorly designed in the first place and break what is known as the “Half Rule”: the slope of the trail exceeds one-half of the slope of the terrain it is crossing. Trails that do this become gullies from water erosion and experience much more soil movement by feet and tires.
    6. Most cross-country riding happens at a speed of 5-8 mph, between a jog and a run – it just isn’t a sustained high-speed activity. All riders should exercise good trail etiquette and appropriate courtesy when approaching other trail users – just as all other trail users should do the same.
    7. While crashes and falls do happen, they are not that frequent an occurrence.8. Your comment about “riding the brakes” is inaccurate. The act of braking itself doesn’t cause soil to be kicked up. Soil would be kicked up once the tire loses traction and starts skidding, which is bad – as you note. Braking is a necessary part of riding in control.

    Mike Vandeman says:

    1. Not true. Those “studies” are not scientific.

    2. Not true. Plants and animals do occur on trails, and are killed. I’ve seen those dead animals and plants.

    3. Not true. Mountain bikers typically ride too fast to notice animals that they run over on the trail.

    4. Not true. Mountain bikers often ride wet trails, especially in wet climates like BC & Washington State.

    5. Not true. Mountain bikers always blame erosion on “improperly designed trails”. Knobby tires are designed to tear up soil, and create V-shaped ruts that accelerate erosion.

    6. Not true. Just look at some mountain biking videos. They ride as fast as they can, endangering wildlife and other trail users.

    7. Not true. Serious accidents and even deaths are common.

    8. Not true. Accelerating (i.e., turning, accelerating, & braking) exert sheer forces on the trail, tearing the soil & accelerating erosion. It’s an inherent part of mountain biking, and much greater than hiking impacts.

    Hope this helps.

  17. i live in bc
    my local trails are on a hill called Burnaby mountain.
    the top is a university / apartments, being paved water does not soak into the ground instead it runs down the side of the mountain causing massive erosion. some of the trees around the top where clear cut and replaced with srub so the apartments can have a view. there are three gas holding/ processing plans on/ around it and possibly a new pipeline.

    yet some people still like to blame mountain bikers.
    the reality is that mountain bike has little impact on the environment compared to normal every day society

    some poeple just are scared of bikers like the person above and would really just like to not see us on their local trails.

  18. That bike on the website is so awesome!!
    I could see Charlie winning some DH races on that cutting edge gem!!

  19. Mike Vandeman is a clueless ass clown.

  20. My biggest takeaway from this post- Charlie has been beaten by Curtis Keane, every time they have been at the same race. Do better, Charlie, do better...

  21. 8×××♡~~~~ ~~~~

  22. Haven't hit up this blog I'm awhile but I have to say that Felt logo looks snazzy, gives the website an exclusive, elitist, high-end feel that I typically only feel when I enter a top-tier bike shop full of di2 bikes with fresh rubber. You have chosen to affiliate yourself with some great brands that really are the foundation of creating a strong recreational industry that can keep families engaged and interested in investing disposable income into new bicycle technologies and trends.

    Keep up the strong content, the entire cycling world is extremely proud of you and the direction you are taking sport.

  23. It is a huge impact compared to hiking; Just think about how even a Sam Hill cuttie turn rips into the soil just like a skid. A hiker is just softly stepping on ground and usually avoiding soft sensitive terrain, plus no bike weight or destructive tires that are specifically designed to grab soil and loosen it.. Vandeman is a trail boss who tells it like it is so that is why some in the industry dis him.
    If you did a realistic study and factored in all the trips to the bike shop, hospital, and shuttles mtb would rank between snowmobiles and motocross in pure adrenaline/ego inspired human wastefulness.

  24. This is what the content looks like when you forget about Sam Hill.

  25. Yeah, all those sensitive hikers that cut trails and let their dogs run wild never cause any excessive erosion or damage wildlife. They also never have any accidents falling off rocks they shouldn't have scrabbled up on to. And they certainly never contribute to accidents by wearing headphone and playing music too loud. Thank God for innocent hikers.

  26. yea biking causes more damage and erosion than hiking. but the amount of use the trail sees is a bigger factor than who is using it. also hiking and biking both don't cause deforestation or loss of wildlife habitat so you should be aware of the real enemy

  27. It was a good run but he wants to get first ahead of Peaty, who is waiting until after 2016.

  28. Meow motherfuckers. Me fucking ow.


  30. That article is an exaggeration and the confrontation took place on a trail closed to mountain bikes and both riders knew it. Were they riding the hiker trail to provoke a confrontation? Whomever said Vandeman is a trail boss is sort of correct, he has done a lot of trail work on hiker and mountain bike trails and some mountain bikers respect his work. He apparently has a Phd in psychology and had written extensively about the psychology of mountain bikers. Here are some passages you gotta admit have some truth in them, made me realize I was doing some unhealthy things in my relationship with DH mountain biking:

    Mountain Biking as an Addiction

    Recently I suddenly realized why this pattern seemed so familiar: they act exactly like the drug addicts that I knew when I worked with Synanon Foundation! They demonstrate the same willingness to take enormous risks, just to continue their “habit”. They risk their image, their job, their relationships, their freedom, even their life, just to continue seeking the ultimate “high”. Many subscribe to mountain biking mailing lists at work, risking losing their job. Thousands risk arrest and fines for riding illegally or even building illegal trails on public and private land. The “Sedona Five” took advantage of a temporary closure of Grand Canyon National Park to ride down the North Kaibab Trail, which is closed to bikes (and got arrested). Taking serious risks to continue a habit of doubtful value is the best indicator of a true addiction. In mountain biking newsgroups they exchange stories about their latest “high” (riding “sweet singletrack”), with extra points given for experiences that were dangerous, illegal, or both.When caught riding on trails closed to bikes, in my experience, they lie (“I didn’t know it is closed” — but they don’t offer to leave!), threaten (“I’m going to bust your head”), and even physically attack whoever tells them to leave the closed area (one biker rode back up the trail, turned around, and then rode into the guy who had told him the trail is closed, as fast as he could, knocking him bloody). That is a lot of risk to take, just in order to ride one trail illegally! And a good sign that they are addicted. Indeed, many of them, in their discussions on the Internet, describe mountain biking as an “addiction". Many young male riders spend so much money on the latest high tech frames, shocks, and parts to make their bikes faster and more dangerous that they are forced to live with their parents. A common theme is injuries, and most riders take pride in their self-destructive behavior.

  31. Mountain Biking as an Image Enhancer

    Another psychological factor, of course, is the image boost that the sport and its accoutrements give to rebellious young people, just as racing bikes did for an earlier generation (hardly any of whom actually raced!). The knobby tires and “hardened” frames clearly say “I’m tough. Don’t cross me!” The names attached to the bikes and tires (“Velociraptor”, “Omega-Bite”, “Incisor”) reinforce that image, as do the photos in mountain bike magazines of bikers flying through the air (getting “big air”). These bikes are clearly intended to indicate that they will help you “conquer nature” (while, ironically, actually insuring that you will have even less contact with that nature, due to their speed, lack of contact with the ground, and suspension systems!).


    Closely related to image is their narcissism: they apparently have no awareness of, or interest in, the welfare or feelings of the wildlife and people around them. Hikers who are young or elderly, and are afraid of being hit, are ignored or termed “unreasonable”. People who say that they go to parks to experience peace and tranquility, and to get away from all signs of civilization, are called “selfish”. Mountain bikers want to ride on trails that are as narrow as possible — exactly the trails that are too narrow to accommodate both bikers and other trail users! And now for the big one nobody can deny:

    Bad Role Modelling

    Mountain biking also provides very bad role modeling for our children. Whether or not a bike is ever ridden off-road, any child looking at one will get the impression that it is used to tear up wildlife habitat, and that this is okay. Not the message we want to send to young ones in crucial times!

  32. I'm not a fan of his but he has done a lot of trail work in the area, don't know if he still does. We used to ride one of the hiking trails in the area cause it was one of the most fun trails, but he was frequently on it cutting brush and repairing areas. One spring an area was overgrown and he cleared it out good, we thanked him. At first he was cool but the last time I saw him he wasn't happy. I moved away then heard about the trouble later and felt bad. He probably deserves forgiveness he seemed quite harmless. He would ride the mtb trails on slick tires to prevent erosion. He said if Eric Carter could win a World Cup downhill on semi slicks he could ride just fine with slicks. He hated weed, always gave is a hard time but then later I quit and realized he was right.

  33. Pretty obvious all of the November 24th posts are Mike himself...

  34. Looks like it's getting personal between Keene and team robot, he and the whole company are pissed you dissed them so hard

  35. "He said if Eric Carter could win a World Cup downhill on semi slicks he could ride just fine with slicks."
    By that logic, if Lewis Hamilton can win an F1 race with slick tires, they would work just fine on the family Buick.

  36. Did Charlie die's been over two weeks in the off season.

  37. If that really is good ole Mike V posting here, of all places, it goes to show how wacko he is. " you know what, since I've read that reall insightful post on Team Robot..." Said no one ever in history.

  38. Regardless, these chapters might lead to some self reflection for mountain bikers, but for others just a reaction based on denial?

    Cognitive Dissonance

    Yet another factor explaining their insistence on biking at all costs, even at the risk of getting arrested, is embodied in the psychological term “Cognitive Dissonance”: after spending often more than $3000 for their bike, it would be very embarrassing and upsetting if they had nowhere to ride it!
    Perhaps this explains why, after years of talking about how they are going to put an end to the erosion damage, illegal riding, and illegal trail building in Joaquin Miller Park, the mountain bikers are continuing all of those activities unabated.


    All land management plans are evaluated by a single criterion: do they provide “sweet” (attractive), “technical” (difficult to ride) “singletrack” (narrow trails)? The President could be about to designate a million acres of new wilderness, but they don’t care. All they care about is “will I be allowed to mountain bike there?” (in wilderness, no).


    Why ride a bike, when you can walk? Only because you can get to your destination a lot faster and with a lot less energy. Why do mountain bikers run shocks and big tires to absorb bumps instead of using their arms and legs to absorb them? In spite of their muscular, “hard-body” appearance, mountain bikers are lazy! “People who must ride on sumthin’ to get into the back country are essentially lazy” (Larry Kralj).Bad Role ModellingMountain biking also provides very bad role modeling for our children. Whether or not a bike is ever ridden off-road, any child looking at one will get the impression that it is used to tear up wildlife habitat, and that this is okay.

    The Pedal Paradox

    Mountain bikers claim to want just what we all want — the experience of nature in all her pristine glory. However, the very fact that they ride on a bike denies them that experience! Instead, they are paying attention to Strava, having pretend-enduro races with friends, skidding all the time, and looking for new illegal trails! They move too fast to truly experience what they are seeing. Most of then only see it from the perspective of riding a race track as fast as they can. They have to pay attention to their “driving”, to avoid crashing. They are insulated from feeling the ground by distance, tires, and expensive suspension systems. Bigger and bigger wheels and longer frames are turning their bikes into monster bikes that have even a harder impact on ecology. And they (in common with other trail users, of course, although to a much greater degree) destroy nature in the very act of “appreciating” it. But if you read the comment sections of mtb videos you hear riders say things like "He destroyed that trail", or "He killed that berm"; That is the true goal of destructive mountain bikes. And meanwhile they bikes are made of increasingly toxic materials that are often broken off and left in the forest. I know because I pick up their messes after they speed off to their next nature conquest.

  39. You might actually get somewhere Mike, if you didn't make sweeping accusations and grouping all mountain bikers in to one narrow subset. As such I, as well as other bikers and hikers alike, laugh at your rants and claims. I'd say to get outside and find some peace, but that doesn't seem possible for you unless you can eliminate a whole trail user group that you view as inferior. I honestly feel sorry for you

  40. ^^Reaction based upon denial. Liar!!!

    Here is the death list for mounting bikers, don't even pretend you are engaging in a responsible sport or parenting! Some of these deaths were young children misled by irresponsible addicted parents. As if destroying ecology wasn't enough...

    Any other riders have any thoughts of self-reflection or are you all just a bunch of blind junkie addicts?

  41. Those aren't all deaths, out of 544 most are serious injuries. I've never thought it was safe but I love it and have spent days in the hospital cause of it. Won't stop any time soon. Just because you do trail work didn't mean you pick who can use trails.

  42. Blind junkie addict for sure. Fully rigid with slicks is the cure?

  43. When did this happen? Or are we getting punked?

  44. stop braking the sport old man

  45. "I've never thought it was safe but I love it and have spent days in the hospital cause of it. Won't stop any time soon."

    May as well be heroin.

    Case Closed. The judge and jury have left the building.

    Just call me Trail Boss for now on.



    Boy killed in crash loved his bike. 5:00AM Thursday May 29, 2008

    Doctors told Frazer McKinlay-Storey's family that he had suffered the worst neck injury they had ever seen. As teenager Frazer McKinlay-Storey was about to slip into unconsciousness, he managed to utter four words to his mother: "I love you, Mum."Frazer drifted off, on board a helicopter heading to Auckland's Starship hospital. He didn't wake, and died two days later. He was just 13.Last Thursday, about 4.15pm, a mountain-biking accident at the Tauranga BMX Club track at Sulphur Pt left him with a shattered neck.The Tauranga Boys College student, who lived in Matua and had a passion for mountain biking, fell and hit the ground at such an angle that his neck shattered on impact."It wasn't a stunt or a jump ... it was just a berm that he was riding around and didn't realise there was a drop off on one side," Frazer's stepfather, Ross Bond, said yesterday. Frazer was to visit his father in Auckland the next day and was having a last blast around the track.He was equipped with a brand-new crash helmet, but no protective gear could have saved him, Mr Bond said.After the fall, a friend of his ran to get help and dialled 111. St John Ambulance staff arrived shortly afterwards.Frazer was conscious for 12 hours after the accident."The doctors there were saying it was the worst neck injury they've seen on anyone because most people who have had that sort of accident would have been killed outright. So for him to have been conscious for 12 hours was quite something," Mr Bond said.Frazer's condition deteriorated on Friday _ his mother Charlotte McKinlay's birthday _ and he was put on a ventilator before being prepared for the trip to the Starship. He spoke to his mother before being sedated for the 5pm flight. "The last thing he said was, `I love you, Mum'. He never woke up," Mr Bond said.At Starship, an MRI scan showed the severity of his injuries and Frazer passed away peacefully on Sunday.The family are devastated. "We're getting through it all, ups and downs," Mr Bond said.Frazer's passion for mountain biking was ignited when he bought a bike at the beginning of the school year, his first at Tauranga Boys College. It was the first he'd bought out of his own pocket."He lived for it. He'd come in and have breakfast wearing his helmet," Mr Bond said. "Anywhere he wanted to go ... we had to dismantle his bike and put it in the car to take it with us."Mr Bond said Frazer would be remembered as "a complete joker, bubbly, outgoing and very generous.""[He was] an absolute gem to be around, wise beyond his years. He was a really good kid."Tauranga Boys College Principal Robert Mangan said Frazer had been making good progress and had just been moved up a class. "Our thoughts and condolences are with the family in what is a very tragic accident."Tauranga BMX Club President Ash Rawson said the next club meeting on the track would be in Frazer's honour.Frazer's funeral will be in Auckland at Romaleigh Funeral Home, 31 Oceanview Rd, Northcote at midday tomorrow.

  47. Trailboss? How about douch bag?

  48. Seriously wtf is going on here?

  49. People are starting to realize mountain biking is bad for the environment, health, family, & relationships.

  50. MV- it's time to leave your cave dude. Fighting over misplaced dirt due to bike tires is so 90's. There's real shit happening in the real world, away from your mole hill. Focus on something that matters

  51. I'm sorry guys. I realize I've been wrongly grouping all mountain bikers into an inaccurate catagory. Not only that, but I've been maligning people for simply enjoying nature in a fashion I'm personally not fond of. Please
    Forgive me.
    Mike V

  52. Of course we forgive you Trail Boss. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and thanks for all your trail work. I'm sure plenty of bikes had a moment of serious self-reflection after reading your work; Great insight that only an outsider could see and inspiration for a new outlook on biking for all of is riders. Happy trails friend!

  53. Mike, I'm sure I speak on behalf of all cyclists when I say you are forgiven and welcome in our house any time. Thanks for your diverse body of work on the web and off course for your real work on the trails doing you Trail Boss thing.

    The Zap

  54. Mike, the words of Jesus in the Bible tell us to forgive and forget and that seems like the best course to take here despite your past actions and opinions. I hope you have put your demons to rest and put this bad Voodoo behind you. If you have the time please take my next survey on Pinkbike.


  55. Boy killed in mountain biking accident named. Last updated 12:02 20/05/2010. Police have named the 11-year-old boy who died after a mountainbiking accident in Gisborne yesterday.Leo Te Kira was riding on a mountain bike trail with an adult and two friends yesterday afternoon.

    He was cycling down a steep part of the track when he crashed andsuffered serious injuries.Police said Leo lost control on a steep decline and went over a bank.

    He had been wearing his cycle helmet at the time of the crash.The adult with the boys found Leo and called for help shortly after.

    He was taken to Gisborne hospital but died about two hours later.

    Police were "keeping an open mind" about whether charges would belaid, senior sergeant Maui Aben said."We are still investigating the crash and whether or not charges arepending is dependant on the outcome."

  56. Via Twitter @darenberrecloth"Broke three vertibrae today on a front flip in my yard spinal cord is 100 percent. Faaaak

    Mountain biker injured in Kamloops mishap

    By Walter Cordery, Daily News May 7, 2011  

    Nanaimo's Peter Isherwood is laying [sic] in a Vancouver hospital bed fighting to keep the use of his arms and legs, following a recent mountain-biking accident week in Kamloops.

     It was not the celebration he had planned for his 34th birthday. 

    Isherwood has been riding downhill for years and is considered "very good," said his friend Brett Bickerton. "He's been biking his whole life and this was just a freak accident that happened after he was airborne, like he has been hundreds of times before," said Bickerton. "Unfortunately, when he landed the steer-tube broke." 

    Steer-tubes are forks that hold the front wheel in place on the bicycle. They collapsed and Isherwood went over his handlebars. "Pete held on because he didn't anticipate a crash due to the fact that he had landed the bike correctly," said Bickerton. "He went forward and hit the ground with his head and flipped. He couldn't move or feel anything at first."

     Isherwood was rushed to hospital in Kamloops and then sent to Vancouver General Hospital. He could feel tingling in his arms and some pressure on his toes, said Bickerton. "He not only broke his neck and suffered spinal cord damage, but there were other complications," Isherwood's common-law wife, Tamara Jayne Bickerton, said in an e-mail to the Daily News. "He had an uncommon allergic reaction to the CT scan dye and his throat closed up. They had to perform an emergency tracheostomy. There was a scare of hypoxic brain damage because he was without adequate oxygen for five to 10 minutes." Surgeons fused two vertebrae, C5 and C6, in his neck with a piece of his hip bone and a metal plate."It worked beautifully and his neck is stable enough without a brace or halo; however, that is only from the bone perspective, there has still been damage to the spinal cord itself," said Tamara Jayne. "At this point he may be a quadriplegic or perhaps he will walk again. Only time will tell and we will simply work with what we have each day."

  57. First our friends from Indian join in, which was fine, if a little long winded.
    Then Felt takes over, but you can't blame Chuckles, cause, let's face it, the dude lives in a van.
    But the trail Nazi having free reign on here is enough. He's dumb enough to think if he drops some names - Zap? Really? - he can fool people into thinking he us legit, and not a kook. He is a full blown kook. He attacked a mountain biker with a saw.

  58. I was going to stay out of this until the thread got a relevant hit on my radar with the phrase Trail Boss. It's true, we named the Trail Boss tire after Mike Vandeman. Run along and write it up on Vital, laddies.

  59. Yeah, right! I suppose the Riddler tire is named after Frank Gorshin's character on Batman, eh Mark?

  60. You mean a mountain biker who was riding a trail which he clearly knew was closed to mountain biking. Also a mountain biker who had been humiliated by MV in online debates about the destructive impacts of mountain bikes and reckless mtb riders.... so the mountain biker was likely seeking a conflict and intentionally rode into MV while he was in the act of doing volunteer Trail Boss trail maintenance with his saw. .. don't forget the facts please!


    Newbury Park bike accident victim remembered as dedicated athlete, coach
    By Cindy Von QuednowVentura County StarPosted January 7, 2012 at 11:27 p.m.

    A 19-year-old Newbury Park woman killed by a mountain biking accident on New Year's Eve was an avid water polo player who helped coach young women.

    Sarah Galbawy was a student at Ventura College who played water polo in high school and college. She also was helping coach the girls water polo team at Newbury Park High School, from which she graduated in 2010.

    "She was a great kid. It is such a tragedy to lose her," said Mary Giles, head coach of the Ventura College women's water polo team that included Galbawy. "I don't know if our team next year will feel totally complete without her. She was really a joy to be around and was an excellent player who worked hard."

    Galbawy was mountain biking with her father near Frazier Park in Kern County when the accident occurred. A preliminary investigation shows she was riding downhill at about 20 mph when she lost control, hit a utility pole and went over the handlebars, said Ray Pruitt, a spokesman for the Kern County Sheriff's Office.

    Galbawy was flown to Kern Medical Center in Bakersfield, where she later died. An autopsy showed she died of multiple blunt-force injuries, Pruitt said.

    Giles described Galbawy as an "ideal athlete" and helpful teammate who often baked cookies to pump up her fellow players during tournaments. Giles was happy to hear Galbawy had taken up coaching herself.

    "She was a role model who was always doing the right thing," Giles said. "It is exciting for me as coach when you have an athlete you coached help other players in the community be better."

    Giles attended a memorial held at the Newbury Park High swimming pool. She said it was a touching ceremony that paid tribute to Galbawy's life.

    Dave Gleisberg, water polo head coach at Newbury Park, said the service was appropriate, given Galbawy's love of swimming and water polo. He said he coached Galbawy throughout high school and she started helping him coach last summer.

    "She was the hardest-working player who never backed up from a challenge and was always positive about it," Gleisberg said.

    He said Galbawy was a natural leader."She was a role model, but you knew she didn't have to show it off. You knew she was special just by meeting her and watching her play," Gleisberg said. "She never looked for the spotlight, so people were drawn to her."

  61. 252. Marin mountain biker dies 2 months after crash at Phoenix Lake San Anselmo woman dies of injuries from Ross bike crashBy Gary KlienMarin Independent Journal Posted: 01/06/2012

    Susan Prnjak was found unconscious near Phoenix Lake on Nov. 12.

    A San Anselmo woman who spent nearly two months in a coma after a cycling accident in Ross has died in the hospital.

    Susan Prnjak, 45, died Tuesday night at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Terra Linda. The cause of death was complications of severe closed head trauma due to blunt impact to her head, said Sgt. Keith Boyd of the sheriff-coroner's office.

    Prnjak, an avid mountain biker, was found unconscious Nov. 12 on the Shaver Grade Fire Road near Phoenix Lake. Her bike was found nearby, and she was wearing a helmet.

    Ross Valley paramedics took Prnjak to Marin General Hospital until she was stable enough to be transferred to Kaiser.

    The coroner's division has ruled the death accidental.

    Prnjak had been human resources director since 2006 at Guide Dogs for the Blind, the dog-training school with campuses in San Rafael and Portland. She was also past board president of the Marin Human Resources Forum and former human resources director at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley.

    "She was just so very near and dear to our hearts," said Joanne Ritter, a colleague at Guide Dogs. "We've been lighting candles by the pond on our campus for her as she's been going through this time. She was just so incredibly full of life and intensely positive and vibrant."

    A memorial service is scheduled for 2 p.m. Jan. 15 at Tiburon Baptist Church, 445 Greenwood Beach Blvd., Tiburon.

    2 beautiful women who were clearly making the world a better place to live in taken away from their loved ones by the destructive sport of mountain biking.

  62. Does he really think anyone on this blog is going to be swayed by his ridiculous posts?

  63. @Mark Slate: You did name a tire after VM - the Vigilante.
    Awesome tread...tears the shit out of the ground! Braaaappp!!!

    For the next VM named tire, how about Ass Clown?

  64. Odd of dying according to

    Cycling ( includes road biking ) 1 in 140,845
    Mountain Hiking 1 in 15,700
    Cars 1 in 6,700
    Dance parties 1 in 100,000
    American Football 1 in 50,000

    Think I'll stick to bikes Trail Boss

  65. What's the percentage of deaths among people who provoke a violent exchange by brandishing a garden tool when walking a multi-use trail? How often are trail saws, pulaskis, McLeods, pruners wielded like weapons and then turned against their wielder? That sounds to me like one of the riskiest ways to ...uh... "enjoy" the multi-use trails -- walking around with a "trail tool" that you intend to use to brain a mountain biker. That sounds risky, but I guess it's also totally sane -- in at least one guy's world.

  66. Let's stop today's youth from dying in car accidents (their leading cause of death) by banning the car/roads.

  67. Eat my dirty post-ride ass, trail boss.

  68. I'm probably gonna get a lot of negative props for this but it the sport is getting more dangerous.

    Plus look at Rampage those guys are psychopaths!

  69. Don't lubricate your Carbon Felt Decree seat tube with too much vasoline or the you might not be able to make the post stick later.

    Also: the safest thing you can do is sit on your sofa and watch your tv/computing device with a sugary/alcoholic beverage. Repeat this 7 days a week if possible.

  70. fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

  71. Put a fire extinguisher in your butt.

    Put a chainsaw in your butt.

    Put a Felt Decree in your butt.

    Put a Trail Boss tire in your butt.

    Put a baby tiger in your butt.

    Put a baby Richard Gere in your butt.

    Put a giant hamster in your butt.

  72. Put siratcha hot sauce in your butt

    Put Kolbassa sausage in your butt

    Put a dropper post on your butt

    Put a piece of toast in your butt

    Put a car muffler in your butt

    Put a lotta stuff in your butt.

  73. Put a screen in your butt

    Put a coffee bean in your butt

    Put dog food in your butt

    Put an old piece of poo in your butt

  74. Put some Rogaine in your butt

    Put a bottle of propane in your butt

    Put a GoPro in your butt

    Try to film some slow-mo in your butt

  75. Put some pants in your butt

    Put a jar of ants in your butt

    Put some seeds in your butt

    Try to grow some weeds in your butt

  76. Put a phone in you butt

    Put a calzone in your butt

    Or a TV microphone in your butt

    Lucky chicken wishbone in your butt

  77. Some serious ghey vibes rolling on this blog Charlie. Look at all the shit this ^^^^^^ dude tried putting in his ass!


  79. Now that Vandeman is Charlie's primary sponsor and full time life coach, maybe Portland will once again like mountain bikers. Thinking the logo could be a handsaw slashing some dad across the chest?

  80. I'm excited about Charlie having a feature written by Dr. Vandeman every week. Especially if he continues to break down the psychological behaviors of mountain bikers while exemplifying dangerous monomania, free of self awareness or irony.

    Angry befuddled responses from blog commentators are sweet too! Don't let this fizzle out

  81. Coach Vandeman's PR AgencyNovember 30, 2015 at 9:20 AM

    Trail Boss is a great guy. He's out there every day making sure the trails aren't being ruined by violent people who have a death wish. Our reporters have scouted the numerous trails of the Bay Area and found that everyone likes and values the Trail Boss. In fact, our sketch artist saw one little girl giving Trail Boss a gift for his tireless work clearing trail in the dead of winter, and reduced it to a drawing:

    Charlie's lucky to have this guy in his corner. Domination is assured!

  82. Now that Vandeman is Charlie's primary sponsor and full time life coach, maybe Portland will once again like mountain bikers.

    Not gonna happen. Mountain bikes are excellent lifestyle accessories and look fantastic when they are mounted to an upper-tier bike rack on a trendy and expensive SUV, but we're going to keep them off the trails for the foreseeable future. As an incentive, we're going to give $10 to each SUV-with-MTBs we see at any local Whole Foods. The more often you park that MTB-equipped SUV at a Whole Foods, the more money Portland will give you.

  83. Put the camera in the cats butt, then put the cat in your butt.

  84. Anybody find some good cyber Monday deals on DH ankle socks? My supply is running low.


    YES! The speed and weight of mountain bikes on the trail make them far more damaging than hikers’ bootsteps—especially on the Southeast’s wet, muddy trails.
    —Gene Nicholson, Atlanta,GA

    Mountain bikers do more damage to trails than other forms of trail users, primarily because of their sheer numbers and the ease with which the riders can lug their bikes to trailheads to reach sensitive foot trails. Yes, horses’ hooves can do a number on trails, and they do their share of damage. But a single mountain bike causes loads of damage with its knobby tires, skids, and chain rings over fallen logs.
    Karl Kunkel, High Point, N.C.

    I’ve seen mountain bikers modify trails to make them easier by removing rocks, cutting roots, cutting fallen trees, building jumps, and braiding trails. I also have seen skid marks and riding in the mud that contributes to erosion. Besides the physical issues, you also have some irresponsible riders going too fast down busy trails. I’m not saying that every single mountain biker is damaging the trails, but there is a significant amount of damage done by the irresponsible ones.
    Jon Livengood, Knoxville, Tenn.

    On the average, mountain bikes have a greater frequency of moments when they are teetering on the edge of control than do people simply placing feet down on a path. So they cause a greater frequency of accidents and tires skidding out on the edge of a path, thus widening the dirt path and adding to erosion and sedimentation. But the good news is mountain bikers who actively volunteer to maintain trails are probably a net benefit.
    John Rudmin, Harrisonburg,

    Absolutely! Bikers damage the trail more other user groups, which is okay when the trail is made specifically for biking, but not fair when the trail is open to hikers and other user groups. —Ed McKeown, Roanoke, Va

    They don't just damage the trails, they often completely ruin the experience for other just because they are like motor bikes but not as loud. They are also associated with frequent drug use on trails which makes for reckless riding and often play loud music on speakers attached to their bikes.
    -James Inhoffe

  86. MV, we're going to need certified video testimonies for each of these references. The names mean nothing to us and the syntax is suspiciously similar to the work of your own hand.

    However, I did stumble on this supporting testimony you didn't provide:

    Yeah dude, all these 2-wheeled dirt schralper's are totally skidding up my mountain board trails. If I have to patch one more rut I'm going to lose my mind! Mountain biking is an ecological disaster unlike anything humankind has ever fathomed... In fact, I tried to sneak in an addendum to the 13th amendment to prohibit knobby tires on multi-use trails but the damn thing was ratified by legislature before I could. --Abraham Lincoln, Hodgenville, KY

  87. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

    Sited sources:
    Wilson, John, and Seney, Joseph, Erosional impact of hikers, horses, motorcycles, and off-road bicycles on mountain trails in Montana, Mountain Research and Development, Volume 14, Issue 1, p. 77-88, DOI: 10.2307/3673739, Published Feb 1994

    Chiu, Luke, and Kriwoken, Lorne, Managing Recreational Mountain Biking in Wellington Park, Tasmania, Australia, Annals of Leisure Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2003

    Olive, Nathaniel D., and Marion, Jeffrey L., The influence of use-related, environmental, and managerial factors on soil loss from recreational trails, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 90, Issue 3, p. 1483-1493, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.10.004,
    Published Mar 2009


  88. bring back metal monday

  89. Well done, reformned. MV is tearing his hair out now in frustration.

  90.  Science Proves Mountain Biking Is More Harmful Than Hiking

    The Impacts of Mountain Biking on Wildlife and People 

    A Review of the Literature

     "Every recreationist -- whether hiker, biker, horsepacker, or posey sniffer -- should not begin by asking, 'What's best for ME?' but rather 'What's best for the bears?'"  - Tom Butler,Wild Earth magazine"Will we keep some parts of the American landscape natural and wild and free -- or must every acre be easily accessible to people and their toys? Ö Mountain bikes' impacts on the land are large and getting worse. Ö The aggressive push of mountain bike organizations to build ever-growing webs of trails poses serious problems of habitat fragmentation, increased erosion, and wildlife conflicts."As interest in extreme riding continues to grow, as trail networks burgeon, and as new technology makes it possible for ever-more mountain bicyclists to participate, even the most remote wild landscapes may become trammeled -- and trampled -- by knobby tires. Ö The destruction of wilderness and the fragmentation of habitats and ecosystems is death by a thousand cuts. Will introduction of mountain bikes -- and their penetration farther into wilderness -- promote additional fragmentation and human conflicts with the natural world? Yes."  - Brian O'Donnell and Michael Carroll"Some things are obvious: mountain bikes do more damage to the land than hikers. To think otherwise ignores the story told by the ground. Although I have never ridden a mountain bike, I am very familiar with their impacts. For the last seven years I have regularly run three to six miles several times a week on a network of trails in the Sandia Mountain foothills two blocks from my home. Ö These trails receive use from walkers, runners, and mountain bikers; they are closed to motorized vehicles.        "Because I'm clumsy, I keep my eyes on the trail in front of me. I run or walk in all seasons, in all kinds of weather. I have watched the growing erosion on these trails from mountain bike use. The basic difference between feet and tires is that tire tracks are continuous and foot tracks are discontinuous. Water finds that narrow, continuous tire tracks are a rill in which to flow. Also, because many mountain bikers are after thrills and speed, their tires cut into the ground. Slamming on the brakes after zooming downhill, sliding around sharp corners, and digging in to go uphill: I see the results of this behavior weekly.

  91. Summary        

    Mountain bikers have turned to scientific research to try to make mountain biking seem less harmful, and in particular, to studies comparing it with hiking. Although they have interpreted this data as indicating that mountain biking impacts are no greater than those of hiking, a more careful look at these studies leads to the conclusion that mountain biking impacts are actually several times greater than those of hikers.        

    Some of the important characteristics of mountain biking that have been ignored are: speed; distance traveled; consistent drug use that makes mountain bikers more dangerous; fat bikes with essentially motor cycle tires; the increase in number of visitors that bikes allow; increased trail-building, with its attendant habitat destruction; the displacement of soil (other than downhill); the killing of roots and soil organisms and ecosystems; most effects on wildlife; manner of riding (skidding, braking, acceleration, turning, and representativeness); tire tread; and noise (bikes are relatively quiet, but a rattling chain may be perceived as "alien" to natural surroundings).         In addition, measuring techniques need to be described in more detail, "blind" measurements should be considered (where the measurers don't know what treatment they are measuring), controls need to be added, and "intangibles" (e.g. loss of feelings of safety and loss of the primitive feel of natural settings) need to be taken more seriously. The direct killing of small animals deserves attention.        

    On the other hand, why do we need research to prove what is obvious? We don't need any research to know that we shouldnít step in front of a speeding truck. Or mountain bike ridden by a stoned reckless mountain biker.

  92. The most elequent article written on the subject. Warning: Very Convincing!

    Mountain bikes and wilderness don’t mix

    To loosen wildland restrictions now starts us down a slippery slope.

    Howie Wolke
    When mechanized mountain bikers demand access to proposed and designated wilderness, they fail to understand that if they succeed, owners of unimagined future contraptions will certainly demand equal treatment. So will modern-day snow machine and all-terrain vehicle owners. To loosen wildland restrictions now starts us down that slippery slope.In addition, mountain bikers are not traditional users, such as hikers or horse-packers. Mountain bikes were not commercially produced for off-road use until the early 1980s. By allowing them to proliferate in roadless areas, the Forest Service nourishes yet another anti-wilderness constituency. A cynic might suggest that’s no accident.Let’s be frank: Backcountry biking damages the land. Bikers often veer off trail just to keep from crashing. Last year, I sent the district ranger photos of mountain-bike damage to vegetation at Kissinger Lakes in the DuNoir, but the problem persists. Because mountain bikers ride fast, they startle wildlife more than hikers or horseback-riders do. They also make formerly remote areas more accessible, thereby reducing solitude and increasing the disturbance of wilderness-dependent species such as lynx and wolverine. Like trail runners with ear pods, mountain bikers inadvertently “troll for grizzlies,” as demonstrated by the 2004 mauling of a DuNoir mountain biker. Speeding mountain bikers also endanger horse-packers and hikers on steep trails. Let’s face it: Mountain bikers need all that protective gear because they’re not always in control.Generally speaking, the place for mountain bikes is on roads, not in relatively pristine backcountry. At this point in our history, I believe that public land management should be about preserving wildness and doing what’s best for the land and wildlife. Recreation can adapt. Though some  -- certainly not all -- mountain bikers apparently view our public lands as outdoor gyms, that is not their function. Nor is a wild place a metaphorical pie to be divvied up among “user groups” or local “stakeholders,” to use federal bureaucratese. The authors of the Wilderness Act would be appalled at the Forest Service’s eagerness to mollify every recreation group that decides its particular form of recreation trumps all else.As a backpack trip outfitter, I’ve guided hikers throughout the West, including the DuNoir, since the 1970s. When these Lycra-clad speedsters zip past our groups, ripping up vegetation and spooking critters, it diminishes our clients’ hard-earned wilderness experience.But that’s not why I believe that the DuNoir -- and other qualifying wildlands -- should be designated wilderness. It’s because wilderness designation is best for the land. Wilderness is about humility, the acceptance that we humans don’t know it all and never will. More than any other landscape, wilderness takes us beyond “self”; in it, we are part of something greater. It is a shame that the Forest Service, many politicians and some recreationists are so wrongheaded -- stuck in a self-indulgent and myopic worldview regarding the DuNoir and so many other fragile endangered wildlands. Wilderness is timeless, transcending short-term concerns. Above all, wilderness celebrates the intrinsic value of wild nature. We need to let it be.

  93. I know Mr. Roboto is in early retirement, secluded in the van with an underage heroin addict. I understand you're tired of being roughed up online and on the local dh course. But there is a good material here to be utilized. Since this is Team Robot, not Team Vandeman, we demand a response. Not a quality synopsis of the numerous generalizations and theoretical holes. Not a listing of Vandemans prosecution and mug shot. A good old fashioned, Metal Monday laced, soul crushing robotic slugfest. Maybe something that will give Vandeman some more anti-bike ammo and return you to your former glory.

  94. Stick some granola up you're ass ya hippie.

  95. Bikers are addicted drunken stoned nature ignoring adrenaline junkies. This is all they care about

    Look at those ruts they have created in the hillside. Hikers would never go down that, give me a break boys! Anybody who watches that cannot pretend that mtbers care about erosion. Look at the comments, they all support reckless erosion.

     Billjohn6 (Nov 16, 2015 at 6:58)

    Well, I'm inspired. Time to ditch studying and go hike lines!+2

     pinittowinit87 (Nov 16, 2015 at 18:54)

    I approve Mountain Monday's! I approve this message.+2

     Bikedude666 (Nov 16, 2015 at 9:21)

    Awesome! This helps ease the pain of starting a new work week! +2

     haitman (Nov 16, 2015 at 6:44)

    love the concept+1

     lalodh (Nov 16, 2015 at 8:24)

    Why not flming some of this in The Nevado???I know you can do it.Cheers+1

     haitman (Nov 17, 2015 at 16:32)

    for sure we can do it, thankscheers+1

     fullbug (Nov 16, 2015 at 6:07)

    Straight to favoritesHe gives that classic kinrade vibe+1

     downhillscotty (Nov 16, 2015 at 6:08)

    Killing it.!!!!!Keep it up man+1

     Kanta (Nov 16, 2015 at 12:13)

    This is the best series, realy fresh! +1

     MasterOfStone (Nov 18, 2015 at 4:56)

    I never thought I would say this but "Can't wait until next Monday!"+2

     mtbfan1996 (Nov 16, 2015 at 6:09)

    That was legitness.+1

     lightningskull (Nov 16, 2015 at 7:30)

    Great idea for a segment

    Below threshold threads are hidden

    Post a Comment

    This company SR Suntour should be boycotted for supporting and promoting this environmental insanity.

  96. MV speaks alone, in his lonely little make believe world where when someone doesn't do what he likes, he hits them with his toy, and cries wolf to whomever will listen. No one is listening to you, MV. Whether there is even a shred of validity to any of the points you're trying to make doesn't matter, because no one takes an insane person like you seriously. Your tiresome tirades are not a weapon to fight your cause any more than brandishing a weapon on another human being. Jail or psych ward- it doesn't matter what you say anymore. The rest of us will enjoy our shared trails and work towards protecting them for everyone's enjoyment while you pay legal bills and waste your life building your delusional arguments. No one listens to you. No one.

  97. The Suntour component boycott has started so people are listening and mtb recklesss marketing will change as a result of that.

  98. All of you young boys are being hit hard with undeniable evidence that downhill extreme riding causes excessive erosion

    Instead of self reflecting some of you are reacting with poor behavior by turning to insults and excessive homosexual thoughts that are highly offensive and completely homophobic. It is high time for change, time to act like young men.

  99. Mountain biking embraces all genders and sexual orientations. If you like pedalling on two wheels and putting something in your butt, we are all fine with it. Whatever brings you pleasure and enjoyment, so long as it doesn't hurt another person. But you haven't figured that out yet, what with that "attacking someone with a saw" thing.

    Put a chain in your butt
    Drip some rain in your butt
    Shoot some flames in your butt
    Even put a freight train in your butt

  100. A good riding session of shredding the brown pow makes me wanna put things in my butt. Maybe mountain biking helps me enjoy my ass more, with a man or a woman. Doesn't matter. I always found sliding a seat post into my frame a bit erotic, especially if grease/lube are involved. Thanks, Felt Bicycles and all bike companies for bringing this enjoyment into my life. 31.6 for life!

  101. Some hikers died driving their cars on the highway to the trailhead. A lot of animals died walking across the highway that leads to the trailhead. In some cases, both the animal and driver/passenger died in the vicinity of the trailhead. Some hikers had heart attacks at the trailhead, or on the first climb of the trail. Some fell off cliffs. Some cars drove Into other cars. As did some motorcycle run into trees. Thus we can conclude that driving to, or physical exertion in, natural areas with trees or animals causes death to humans and animals. Stop the senseless killing.

  102. Warning: Very Convincing!

    I really hope you are typing these fresh and not pasting them out of some MTBR troll file. I tell you what, it's definitely working. Just a few more pages of comments on a few more forums and you will bear the sweet psychological fruit of your psychology labors.

  103. I thought this post was a little Cory Tepid, but the comment section has been edifying. 8/10 after adjustment

  104. 8 ======D ~~~~~~~~~¤

    No butt seriously

  105. “These bladder-wheeled bicycles are diabolical devices of the demon of darkness. They are contrivances to trap the feet of the unwary and skin the nose of the innocent. They are full of guile and deceit. When you think you have broken one to ride and subdued its wild and Satanic nature, behold it bucketh you off in the road and teareth a great hole in your pants. Look not on the bike when it bloweth upon its wheels, for at last it bucketh like a bronco and hurteth like thunder. Who has skinned legs? Who has a bloody nose? Who has ripped breeches? They that dally along with the bicycle.”

  106. Put a martini in your butt
    Eat some linguini In your butt
    Read a book on Musselini in your butt
    Put a rainbow coloured beanie in your butt

    Omg, I ripped my breeches riding the devil's balloon wheeled pony! There's a 30.9 hole right where my poop exit exiteth my body!

  107. Your all a bunch of *bitch niggas* posting comments here.
    And in case you don't know what a bitch nigga is:
    Here is Urban Dictionary's Definition :

    A man who, instead of behaving in a manly way, such as standing up for his actions or staying out of other people's buisness, behaves the way a woman, or bitch would, participating in gossip and talking behind other people's backs, with the ultimate goal of causing drama, like a woman (bitch) would.


  108. ^^^^just defined himself^^^ oh and also racist, sexist. Thanks for sharing your self-projection, idiot.

    Also- thanks Felt. Good job here.

  109. Put a Felt in your butt
    Put a tuna melt in your butt
    Throw some extra cheese in your butt
    Stuff your girlfriend's knees in your butt


    Thanks Eddie Murphy for inspiring everyone in this comment section.

  111. who bookmarks a single post comment thread

  112. Peter Puttslick, a/k/a Anonymous at Dec 2 2015 11:40pm

  113. The only boycott should be against companies that make e bike mountain bikes


  115. Post a new post already, this thread sucks.


    ^^That doesn't suck. Get some!

  117. Felt's new carbon bike is sweeter than a nun's cunt

  118. Anon 9:08, I'd go full enduro on that!

  119. I would stick my nose up that butt.




    Put Your Nose In My Butt


    MC 2-BALLZ

     Yo Yo Yo, diggity dog sniff my nuts

    I bet my nuts smell just like a butt

    My sac is like a burlap bag

    It's brown, fuzzy, and itchy

    So sniff my nuts or itch my nuts

    After, put your nose in my butt

    Wedge your schnoz deep in my crack

    Until you hear my buttcheeks flap

    Oh snap, hear the flap coming from my crack

    My sac hears the flap of the cheeks going slap

    Aw Yeah sniff that ass like a dawg

  123. Felt's carbon really isolates the vibration from my asshole and nuts when riding at racing speeds, The Decree is really the game changer I've been looking for.

    This blog is a fucking cum stain on the gas station toilet seat,

  124. I leave my cumment on this blog's face.

  125. charlie i think what every one here is trying to say is, we love your blog and want you to post some new shit.


    Riding without helmet!

    Riding in extremely dangerous loose leaves!

    Riding too fast!

    Riding on too steep of terrain for the capabilies of this bike!
    Riding on an inappropriate bike of questionable orgin.

    Riding on an inappropriate bike with questionable tires.
    Riding where the trail is not clearly apparent!
    Riding over old growth tree roots!
    Riding without gloves or the appropriate protective equipment.
    Riding in a high adrenaline situation.
    Questionable parenting.

    Please share on Facebook

  127. Churning out a bunch of blog posts for a biggish audience every day was exhilarating — hard, and scary, like performing in an impro
    v comedy show for ten hours at a time. When not glued to my computer, I was sneaking into bike shops and interviewing people on the streets of my neighborhood about how they felt about bike celebrity couples’ breakups — fun! And I loved getting up on my high horse about literary scandals and bad book deals. But soon the coworkers I respected left, there was a new emphasis on page views, and the tone of the site was shifting.

    The grind of having to know everything at all times and constantly think of clever ways to repackage information started to wear on me. And my personal blog had gone from infrequently updated to neglected to all but forgotten. It felt like there was too much Internet already. And it felt like I was becoming part of the problem.

    I was burnt out, and not in a way that was fun to write about — or read about. On December 1, I quit.Checking in on the sites I used to frequent five years ago during the golden age of the blog reveals an online graveyard. Many of my old virtual friends’ last few posts follow the same sad pattern — the initial spate of “sorry I haven’t posted in so long”s followed by the inevitable “it’s over, but check out what I’m doing at [corporate blog]!” Of course, hundreds of thousands of new blogs have sprung up in their places — a cacophony of voices shouting into the void, jockeying for their places in the big time, whatever they think that might mean.

    Noobs, I wish you the best of luck. & ride on

  128. Many of my old virtual friends’ last few posts follow the same sad pattern — the initial spate of “sorry I haven’t posted in so long”s followed by the inevitable “it’s over, but check out what I’m doing at [corporate blog]!” Of course, hundreds of thousands of new blogs have sprung up in their places — a cacophony of voices shouting into the void, jockeying for their places in the big time, whatever they think that might mean.

    Well, they grew up listening to me. As proto-jocks themselves, they saw me as the prophet of a new era. I was everywhere, not just in tennis itself, but in all media.

    I gave them something to copy.

  129. Sucka my big fat chocolate salty balls, you dumb fuckin sack 'o shit and mount a dildo on your dropper post baby!

  130. Mountain biking is the new golf. Your dropper post wants to extend into your butthole and stir you so deep inside that you will never be the same again. You feel empty without a dropper pumping inside you up down up down, in out in out.

  131. The internet is like the new bathroom wall, except everybody can smear their shit in the stall anywhere, anytime.

    This blog is now dried feces in the bottom of the septic tank; no piss or wet shit left to float around and emit rotten stench. Just poo dust.

  132. Where's my T-Shirt? I paid you but still no satisfaction. Givum my mula back.

  133. Felt bikes' superior carbon layout makes me poo my diapers

  134. noticed the Felt DH bike on Rotorburn

    Looking forward to the team robot 2016 world cup dh preview

  135. Holy fuck... this is the best, most manic stuff I have ever read on bike internet. My favorite bit though is that a PhD in Psychology is involved. I read that briefly in one gasp and as an ex-Catholic all of my observations and lowest opinions about people overdoing the use "reason" and "rationale" are confirmed in here. I do support the opinion that mountain biking is nowhere close to be environmentally friendly, I hate the blind stoke, but Jesus fucking Christ... quoting deaths or injuries of children or their parents to support your argument is LOW by all world's rational and moral standards. You are a low life. You deserve a large intestine cancer and a colostomy bag so that the shit you keep inside is visible and cannot be as easily disposed in secrecy of a toilet. The transcendence of nature is incredible in here, manifested in regular lack of understanding of evolution and natural selection. Nature is not a mother. It is a whore, it gave birth to you and tries to kill you. You are a life form like any other, that means you try to expand, consume and pass the genes by largest amount of mutations. There is NO such thing as ecosystem and there is no such thing as balance. Go pray to the sunset on the top of the mountain in silence, you egoist prick who likes silence in nature, pristine wildlife, who would surely love to live in the world of pre-colonial Natives, just without diseases and child-birth death rates. WTF do you think kept human population low on American continent? Respect to nature, taking only what you need? Indigineous people respect nature because it kicks their arse. Save the Bears?! You are ok to say it, just don't mention science in any way. Your ancestors were a regular pray to bears you life form. MTBers on drugs, the holy ghost of a fucking mother... so you do not go to a pharmacy? When a Cuogar bites your hand to bits and somefuckinghow you make it alive, you refuse morphine?

    I will tell you what the problem is: arguing for too long. If you reason for too long you become unreasonable. There are three kinds of idiots: 1.Hikers who are prejudiced about Mountain Bikers, 2. Mountain Bikers who are prejudiced against Hikers and 3.The biggest loonies of them all: people who believe that you can make them like each other completely one day. There are conflicts and there will be conflicts, live with it! You can do your best to convince them to like each other a bit more and provide buffers as well as space for discussion, after all cooperation is always the prevailing evolutionary factor. And well since we are a life form with behavior dominated by genetics and environment with free will being more and more blurry subject, someone will do stuff and propel the evolution of hiker/MTBer relations.

    Arguably yours

  136. All mountain bikers hate nature and I invented the hot dog.

  137. Wak hole

    Anyone wishing cancer on someone else is a POS.

  138. Dear Mr. Anti- Mountain Bike Dude,

    Your a bitch nigga and a complete dumb ass


  139. This has become an emotional roller coaster with a routing similar to that of some shifty north shore trail in Canada.

    Irony ain't just a river in Egypt.

  140. Dear people reading this blog- go fuck yourselves. Or buy Felt bike.

  141. If you buy a Felt roadie does it count?

  142. Fucking fuck fuck. Fuck fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

  143. Sad to see this thing die.

    Shameless plug; My mtb blog still lives!

  144. Is Charlie finished with this blog?

  145. Murray Fuckin' Ass-mas go fuck a dropper post 150mm for deepest longest insertion, 34.9 stretch you out reel good.

  146. Can we get a yay or nay from robot himself on the status of future posts? Employed, sane people do on occasion click this bookmark and end up skipping through 150 comments of fucked up nonsense.

  147. ^^^ Boo fucking hoo ^^^^ Mr "I'm employed and don't live in a van" guy needs his free content.

  148. This is pretty hush hush stuff ........but I heard Charlie's working with a tech company on a new smartphone app called: iPoach
    - it's an app that lets mountain bikers know where the best "hiker only" trails are in the area. It even lets you know if there has been any recent police activity or investigations there. Users can rate each trail on it's Poach-ability and recommend other hiker trails to ride as well. Sounds pretty sweet.

  149. Fun! Someone just mentioned "free content" as an Internet concept. I remember 1998 too!

  150. That's cool -

  151. Totally cool, everyone in my DDS '16 class is into it.

  152. 8===D~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  153. Post Xmas eggnog cumshots
    8==========D~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~

  154. Hey Wako! Go fuck yourself. His self hate is only exceeded by you own self love and intellectual hubris. Read you last paragraph and take you own overly philosophical advice!

    Yah pencil pushing dipshit!

  155. Merry Christmas Charlie


  156. Happy holidays Charlie. We miss your blog. I miss mountain biking and the days before berm shredding everything and ECT.

  157. Waki, go fuck a 28.6 seat tube. Or a 25.4 Walmart bike seat tube. Why? Because your writing is nothing but verbal masterbation.

  158. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ci fuck fuckfuck cuff fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck for fuck fuck Fock fuckfuck

  159. hey Charlie, let's discuss Gwin's new two million dollar contract.

  160. I dont know why I came here.....

  161. The conclusion:



  164. Nice that the Asians finally chimed in on this one, full circle.

  165. Faka faka WORLD'S BIGGGEST DICk faka faka

    8=====================================================D ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ cumshot ~~ ~~~~~~

  166. I wanted to post a shameless plug for my favorite mountain bike blog, if you liked team robot you will like Uncle Pappy's bike blog. No frequent posts but quality content and sarcasm. Check it out you won't be disappointed

  167. ---- ------ ---- €=====8

  168. I'm still checking here every day to find out who Gwin is signed up for in 2016.

  169. He's riding the long anticipated Felt DH

  170. 200th comment, bitch


    Come the fuck on... no comment?
