I know, I know. Santa has white hair. But Gingers need a Santa, too, just like Black people, Mexicans and Asians need their own Santa.

Anyway, here's a totally schweet shot of Cory Tepper/Ginger Santa at Beacon, circa 2001. If this photo was taken during the summer, as I assume it was, than this is a pre-9/11 downhill photo.

To complement his well chosen Skate lid, Cory is running a hardtail and the original Manitou Dorado. I think it's the original non-inverted Dorado. It may be a de-stickered X-Vert Carbon. No matter what, this photo is legit, and de-stickerizing mega-expensive top of the line product is always Team Robot approved. Team RObot salutes you, Cory Tepper.
Santa lives.
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