Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dirt is amazing

Yes, this is in Canada. And yes, Luke Fulton (pictured) has made a career out of bad shoulder buzzers. And yes, these two amazing berms lead into a dead straight trick jump set at the bottom of the hill.

But let's come together here and recognize the common good that we can all celebrate: dirt is amazing, and hips going into berms are the shit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a 360 barspin. the berms lead out of the landing, he's midway around and about to shred them turns. But yes Dirt is amazing.

  3. I'm glad to see you got a new sponsor for 2014 after the "downsizing" at Diamondback. Judging by their emphasis on road and enduro racing, it wont be long before you have your own line of Signature blood transfusion bags and PED accessories.

  4. AMEN! Dirt is where it's at.

  5. career? luke buys his bikes lol. this website it getting worse
