Monday, March 9, 2015

This is awesome

Unless you watched this other video first:

Vital RAW - Eddie Masters // Reece Potter // Skyline MTB Park Madness - More Mountain Bike Videos

Those two assholes pretty much shut down all filming at Skyline for the next three years, unless you're Bernard Kerr and you can land 60 foot jumps in a stoppie. So unless you're Bernard I'm going to watch your Skyline video and be all


  1. couldn't watch the first one for more than 10 seconds based purely on the shitty bro rock. good riding though.

    Second one all day long.

  2. but theyre both better riders than you

  3. raw edits > music

    all day long.

  4. That Gruber dude is fast, but he appears to be suffering from acute camera induced ETBT (Exagerated Turn Bar Technique).

  5. Eddie and Reece were ripping..... literally . I thought the same thing when I saw this new one. Apples and oranges.

  6. Whipped whipped whipped!!!
    It's not very often you see a video of a guy going around a corner that that makes you stoked and emasculated at the same time. (I'm not talking about Gruber)

  7. They were both pretty sick, fast as hell. Gruber isn't a local either so he should get points for that

  8. "You are a great, great man"

    The riding was sick but that takes the cake. Masters is the anti Gwin, a little slower but much more hilarious and personable.

  9. gruber was riding little tight. eddie was loose as fuck. that was the only difference i saw...

  10. :)
