Saturday, June 13, 2015


Not normally one to do teasers on the ROBOT, but this time it's that good.

Richie Schley. Pure gold. Coming up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Don't believe the hype

  3. What a babe. I wonder what a girl would have to do to catch that sweet, sweet honey.

    1. I agree, I think I want to eat his face while squeezing his tight butt cheeks. Feel his hand in my long hear. I wish I was a girl

  4. WAKI.... I was really praying someone would see the irony and sarcasm in my comment. #dammit

  5. hey look, its amanda batty here to cunt up the team robot comments because she ran away from every other mtb website.

    attention amanda: this website contains humor you will never understand.
    go back to yoga bitch.

    or better yet, have another concussion, it makes you so entertainingly crazy.

    go save yourself.

  6. did this shit just go pinkbike? i hate it when shit goes pinkbike.

  7. Holy fuck... Now THAT is comedy. #gonepinkbike (And I'm the crazy one?)

  8. Also: as a cunt, I hugely enjoyed your term 'cunt up' as an adverb. I'm assuming I don't have to give you creative credit when I use it in my next blog post as you're too cowardly to list your real name? Sweet, thanks! ;)

    1. After I read your "good bye" article I had no doubt that it was all true to the bone. All sorts of Blog sht-holes are providing the evidence though... I failed to come up with adequate insults so as usual in face of such helplesness I wish certain people To get bone marrow cancer at leadt then they will reach the bottom of their misery. I bet their kids are/ will be extremely ugly, as we all get genes from grand parents

  9. Ladies, STOP talking, for a second. PLEASEJune 20, 2015 at 10:47 PM

    Ugh, I'm with truth. I come here to read rants and hilarious comments. No one likes a know-it-all, especially when they don't.

  10. He used cunt as a verb not an adverb. The adverb form would be cuntly.

  11. Is this the same Amanda that ripped off that kid on pinkbike buy n sell? Took his $ and didn’t send him the gt frame? Why is waki sucking up? How is she still sponsored? Many better riders lose their rides

  12. What’s most interesting about this comment isn’t that it’s posted on a blog forum that’s three years old about a completely unrelated (and still hilarious) topic, but that your grasp on reality is tenuous at best as evidenced by the fact that you A: are opining about a situation you’re obviously unfamiliar with but desperately need to filter sort of personal beef through and B: that you think I’m sponsored at all (or was) by a bike company, at any time. This is the fourth ‘anonymous’ message/years old comment this week from someone insisting that I’m sponsored/making money and that I’m generally a piece of shit, so you must know plenty of things I don’t... or you’re just insane and grasping at straws in order to slander me across the internet. But go ahead. Whatever makes you feel better about posting shittalk anonymously, you do you. I get it — desperation sucks and sucking enough to come after someone also must suck, and I feel for you. I can’t imagine the sort of person you must be or the life you’re deeply unhappy with, but I really do hope it turns a corner and you can find something that fulfills you and satisfies you enough that you’re comfortable in your own skin. It clearly isn’t riding bikes and you’re not very good at gossip, so maybe origami is your secret talent? Or bonsai tree tending... Or at least not stalking someone online in order to desperately spread a narrative that’s completely untrue. I wish you all the best, Anonymous.

    I’m gonna unsubscribe from this thread so as to avoid getting any more ridiculous emails from weirdos who go ten pages deep into Google, but if you need to vent further, you already know how to reach me. Good luck.

    Maybe just the same name.......or you care to explain?
