So Bryn is doing better. We're here in Albany, and he is a lot better than he was on Saturday. Surgery went as well as possible, quick and clean. Jill, Lars and I will be here tonight as well. Wednesday we'll headed down to the U.S. Open to destroy our enemies, so that all that remains is their burning villages and the lamentations of their women.

In other news, my petition was accepted for the Leogang, Austria World Cup. As long as I don't acquire a case of PRKT Syndrome, this is for real and I'll be racing in Austria.
For those who aren't up to speed on PRKT Syndrome, here's a quick summary. Those of us who don't have UCI points from one of the 3 UCI races in the entire U.S. have to petition like damn dirty apes to race in the World Cup. Pro Racer Kyle Thomas, PRKT, petitioned to USAC to race in Windham last year, and got accepted. After buying his plane ticket, hotel, and rental car, he got this email:
"Unfortunately I have bad news regarding the Windham World Cup National Team start I offered you last week. It turns out I will NOT be able to offer this start to you after all...Unfortunately I will not be able to reimburse you for travel expenses."
Bummer. So it's totally possible that I will be kicked off the list two days after flying out, but who knows. That would make me sad.

Here are some sweet pictures from the Splatkille, NY race from photographers AC Phillips and Chad Phillips. The race went pretty well, all things considered. I got 23rd, Lars got 10th. Not a personal best for either one of us, but I think both of us were excited to just get down the hill. A good weekend, and a bad one.

And just to keep things on the up and up, here's life winner Bill Murray:
