Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Win or lose, hit the booze

The IMBA thinks this is a big win:

"Together, they negotiated a deal whereby a section of less than a mile of trail that travels through the nearby Wheeler Peak Wilderness, interrupting a popular high-alpine singletrack near the town of Red River, would be opened to mountain bikers if they backed the Act to fully protect the study area."

Even though it includes this little caveat:

"Taos-area mountain bikers for three decades had been riding the 75 miles of trails in the Columbine-Hondo Wilderness Study Area. According to Pickett, the rules in a study area are grayer than those dubbed ‘wilderness’ and the Forest Service historically didn’t manage that 45,000 acres in a way that prohibited mountain biking, so it was a common place to ride. With the new wilderness designation, riding there is strictly off-limits."

This is a win in the eyes of IMBA: giving up 75 miles of trail in Taos to gain access to less than a mile in Red River. Great. At that rate we should lose all mountain bike trails in the country, and then gain 100 miles of new trail, which would give us 2 whole miles of trail per state. Awesome!

I know, I know, it sounds bad, but listen, we're at the table now. That means something. They're listening to us:

“It puts us at the table with this wilderness alliance. Before they didn’t want anything to do with us… Now we’re a member, we’re considered a member of the alliance and anything they do down the road, we have a say.”

An actual picture of IMBA at the table.

So now, instead of just taking away trail like they did in the '84 Wilderness Act expansion, now land managers, bureaucrats, and Congress will invite IMBA "to the table," give IMBA a tiny insignificant carrot, and then take away all the same trails they planned on taking away anyway.

It's the idiot test. If someone lowballs you in a negotiation, and you always take the lowball offer, then guess what? You failed the idiot test, and they're always going to lowball you. Why would someone give IMBA prime rib, or even a whole piece of bread, if IMBA is willing to eat whatever scraps are left under the table.

Look at how pitifully low IMBA's stated goals are for Wilderness expansion:
  • IMBA is not advocating the introduction of mountain bikes in existing designated Wilderness areas. 
  • IMBA values the role the 1964 Wilderness Act has had in protecting wild places. IMBA believes that additional Wilderness designations are warranted and will support these when appropriate.
  • Bicyclists must be at the table when Wilderness decisions are being made. 
  • IMBA is committed to protecting wildlands and open space while allowing for appropriate bicycle access.

GRRRRR!!!! Reading those talking points, you can almost hear IMBA getting their teeth out like a rabid tiger.


Will IMBA or any MTB advocacy group ever say no to any offer, no matter how insulting and low?


Will IMBA ever demand, ask for, or even define what most mountain bikers actually want?


My favorite thing is that in the original article [posted here, IMBA's glowing press release can be seen here], no one talks about whether or not mountain bikes belong on the 75 miles of trail in the study area. Sure, mountain bikes were allowed on those 75 miles of trails for years and years and apparently the forest didn't burn down and the bears and flowers didn't die off, but if the Sierra Club wants to close that 75 miles off to mountain bikers forever, that seems reasonable. No argument. No discussion of the existing trail network, traffic rates, or how different user groups have coexisted on the trails over the past decade or so. Nope, if Sierra Club thinks the trails need to be "protected" from mountain bikes, then they must be right.

Mountain bikers in general, but IMBA especially, don't view advocacy as negotiation, they view it as begging. Begging for whatever they can get, with no strong vision of success, only the vague notion that more access is probably better hopefully, but less would be okay too as long as it isn't too much less, please. That could be a bumper sticker or a poster:

IMBA: More access is probably better hopefully, but less would be okay too, as long as it isn't too much less, please.


kidwoo said...

Since the 'I' stands for international, I have to assume they're doing a bunch of awesome in other places in the world that no one ever hears about.

Cuz they're obviously doing fuck all for anything meaningful in the US for 'mountain bike advocacy'.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, that terrier looks awfully fierce to be a real IMBA stand-in.

Unknown said...

Well said! Someone needs to call out IMBA on their bs!

Anonymous said...

Finally. Someone said it. Don't stop.

Anonymous said...

Fcuk yeah! Fcuk imba! Those other guys should have been at the table! They would have sued the sh!t out of everyone and would have prevented this loss of trails!

TrivialMTB said...

If that bumper sticker was made and sold by Team Robot, I would purchase several under the condition that profits generated by sticker sales would go to a shovel fund and that once sufficient, shovels would be purchased by Team Robot so that they may dig 400+ feet of single slalom trail into a hillside somewhere, with or without authorization, specifically for bicycle use. That would be bicycle advocacy in action that I would get behind. Results.

Reformed Roadie said...

Perhaps the robot should infiltrate IMBA...

Reformed Roadie said...

Or better yet, get SpecialEd's legal team on the case.

flannel bro said...

is that supposed to be a sweet burm?

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of the Blue Ribbon Coalition? They are the pit bull advocacy org for motorized recreation. IMBA should fill that role for mountain bikers, but they don't. Why? Because IMBA's non-profit side is a front for the for-profit side (Trail Solutions). If they get rough with land managers, they won't be called on as "experts" to save mountain bikers from themselves.

Anonymous said...

if frank sinatra was still alive he'd track down every one of you jack wads and take a blowtorch you

fuck the sierra club with a bat said...

the bigger issue is the motherfuckingsierraclub those bastards have more power, more money and have been longer established than IMBA and have more supporters. Partly because of all the whinny bitch-ass mountain bikers out there that won't support IMBA. IMBA is trying but it needs the support of all, including hater robots. If IMBA had the same support as the motherfuckingsierraclub (yes, that is their actual corporate name) than IMBA would have the power to lobby against them and gain real ground.